Messy Mesh Upon stl Export

I had done this Shrinkwrap over the past couple days and didn’t have a problem. Maybe a little distortion but nothing like I have now.

It looks good in Blender but when viewing it in the slicer and Freecad the anomalies are obvious and translate to the print. (*edit I now see the stretching of the mesh when I use Simple Deform.)
Here is what my Decimated Text looks like. Seems as simple as you can get to me…?

I feel like I did something today to mess it up but I can not figure it out. I’ve tried doing the same thing in a separate window with different font and it comes out the same or worse. I have tried to remesh and decimate along with other thoughts but nothing has helped.

Perhaps it’s something in the Export settings?
Is there a setting that I may have changed to cause this?

Thank You for your assistance.

Looking at you “original” geometry :

…you have to supivide some of thos longer egdes… sadly this is no goo suecase for the supdiv modifier…

Maybe have look here:

If the remesh on the blender doesn’t work well, try using Addon


Recommendation received. Unfortunately, I am unable to complete the purchase of this addon. There is another merchant that I am unable to use my card with so I am contacting my bank to see about a new card but that will take days.
Seems odd to me that I was getting decent results from the Convert to Mesh and Decimate a day ago. However, these setbacks usually lead to a better result and increase in my knowledge so I will try to suppress my aggravation.

*Edit. You have given me an idea that preliminarily seems to have promise. I did a quick test with Quad Remesher for retopology and the text has no tessellation. I will probably have to redo my work because of other problems with edges out of alignment due to my moving the letters around and not having all faces selected. Not sure I can edit the individual letters once Quadremeshed but it gives me hope for the moment.

All you have to do is enter 0 in the price and fill in the email.
You don’t need to pay (free)


OH, dahhhhhh. I was willing to pay 10$ if it worked but OK!

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The procedure I was following uses Decimate and it did give me a very simple Edges to work with to edit the letters. But turns out Decimate was causing the tessellation. Strange because I worked for days with Decimate and it looked good. Not great but good enough to 3d print.

Both the Boundary Align Remesh and Quad Remesher did a better job than Blender remesh. However QuadRemesher does a much better job and gives me better ability to edit each letter. I have to re-watch some videos about manipulating edges and faces.
Assuming I can do it without ruining the remesh…?

This forum made me aware of the importance of retopology on the Grippy Ippy main model and it saved me. I feel like QuadRemesher Retopology is going to save me here also. Currently using the free version but I will definitely be purchasing it.

I will work with this and report back as to how it worked out. Hopefully a success story.


Got It!

1: Add Text and position into place but try to keep the position true to the axis’. Especially if you intend to manipulate the text.
2: Convert to Mesh
3: Edited the GI while a mesh. I couldn’t figure out how to evenly distribute faces of the Quad Remesher to make the logo so that is the only reason I did it while it was just Blender mesh.

4: QuadRemesh.
5: Now the faces are easy to select and delete to remove the stanchions (or whatever they are called) as the text 3d prints better that way.

6: Add Empty and Simple Deform Modifier and curve to near the same radius as the object. It does not work with the flat text.

7: Shrinkwrap Modifier. I found Target Normal Project to work best in the past but I didn’t try regular Projection for this process.

8: Solidify Modifier
9: Object Mode - Export stl.
- There is a little bit of tessellation on the R which I saw before and was able to eliminate with a higher QuadRemesh Quad Count but I will probably leave it where it is.

I’m pretty sure this is resolved.

Thanks again to this great forum.

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You can modify some problematic objects manually.
Alternatively, converting to individual text would be the way to reduce errors. :slightly_smiling_face:

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