Mi-8 'Hip' Helicopter

yum yum tailrotor yum yum


Methinks its time for the landing gear next…

  • Double post -

aww dont feel lonely lol…your doing a great job! so much detail :smiley:

I see a few smoothing errors you should check out on the bottom turbine along with a few spots that look a little bulgy above and below the cockpit glass.

yeah! don’t feel lonely … we’re so stunned by the detail we can’t type, that’s all :slight_smile:

Love the detail… How many polys is each bolt and how many polies total so far?

Almost exactly 300,000 so far (inc. subsurf)
A bolt = 500 polys
A rivet = 20 pols

I’m struggling with the landing gear… :frowning:

Here is the TINY fitting that attaches the landing gear to the hull - not sure I would want to be resting on that!

Might be out of contact for three days - however work shall progress.

The amount of detail blows my mind. I would never have that much patience. Keep up the awesome work :smiley:

You are not lonely, I’m following your progress closely in all it’s awesomeness! :smiley:


Will start on the wheels next.
They are harder than they look.

Done Landing gear - only nosewheel and fiddly details left:


An early clay render.

Please critique.

Looking great! There appears to be some distortion along the bottom of the nose(?) - directly above the front wheel, similar on the base of the tail. The strut holding the back wheel seems to intersect the body. Some of the windows seem to stick out around the edges… Apart from that I can’t say as my knowledge of 'copters is severely limited! I couldn’t say if these crits are due to the render or not, or if they are are ‘incorrect’. But it is looking really cool, can’t wait for the texturing :slight_smile:

the detail on the propeller is stunning

  • A few minor obvious tweaks.
  • A ton of ‘behind the scenes’ tweaks.


Plans for the riveting and paneling.
Blue = panel joint.
Red = rivets.

Not the most RIVET-ing job in the world but it had to be done.