Mi-8 'Hip' Helicopter

I bet you’ve been itching to use that pun!

I. Hate. Solidify. Modifier.

it does, doesn’t it :slight_smile:

A quick update - I should be going to visit a mi-8 in a museum so I can get references for the cockpit and interior.


Really great work so far ! I love flying machine and the design of this one is awesome. Amazing level of detail… everything I like !

Hmm, there’s no simulator out there with a Hind in it? There are some clips on YouTube but non specifically for this model, though I bet you can come convincingly close, ‘copying & pasting’ (inspiration wise) from different models… :slight_smile:

Looks like no visit - Next opening is in October. Have found some good refs on wikimedia however so will be using them. Updates to follow.

Sorry about the delays - I’m a bit sidetracked at the moment. Be back shortly.

flare dispensers: (i’m working to see if an kind mods will let me use p3d for this but I doubt I will get anywhere…)

Large update:

looking good! keep it up.

Real nice so far,how did you get texture to look so sandy and rough (real military style that)?

I’m thinking of doing a Russian Mil Mi-24 Superhind after seeing your Heli.

@dcbloodhound -
I have already modelled an mi-24, see:
Its a really nice heli to model.

It is a sand texture, blended in with a camo texture - I wasn’t sure it worked but It’s nice you like it!
Here is a screenshot:

I’ve just renamed all 289 objects to match their real descriptions… It was hell.

Layout of the forward cockpit dials.


I’ve just renamed all 289 objects to match their real descriptions

I can appreciate that! Mine usually get called cube.001, cube.002… :slight_smile:

the front ‘dashboard’


someting about the texture doesnt look quite right, but otherwise, the model is gorgeous

A render of the current instrument panel:

The rotor head in all it’s glory - If I I see another bolt I have missed someone will die.
Very true, missing bolts cause plane and helicopter crashes /nod.

All joking aside - really nice job :smiley: