Mig 21 Fighter plane

he is just getting starting so he is using the fireburners/nitro i don’t know how it is called and it creates such flame… in the back but in normal flight speed it dosn’t have it.

they are called after burners… and if they are on than there are flames… its egniting the gasses in the exhaust. but in mid flight they only usually use them to go Moch-X, this does not mean they do not use them. he still needs to add some extra glow around the exhaust pipes them selves, but other than that hes prety close. he even has the heat distortion almost spot on


it is after burner. Just a fast update in high res… a more reflective metal, it is a choice !
Thanks for viewing and comment.

I have been following this thread for a while and I have to say this render has blossomed into something awesome. Well done.

truly amazing

ookka, the model looks pretty well in this environment!

The only thing which spoils the overall effect are the afterburner flames and the “hot air” around them. Unfortunately, I have never drawn such an effect in GIMP, so I cannot give you detailed tips, how to improve it. In general, I think that the inner side of the nozzle should not be so “orange”, and the flames should concentrate in its center (as you can see in the photo from post #82). I think that the turbulences of the hot air should should be stretched along the flight direction, and maybe they should have a larger size? At this moment they look like a relatively calm water surface. I have impression that even the hot air over an ordinary “static” bonfire produced the air turbulences are much more stretched vertically, thus they should be even longer in the situation depicted on this image (at the speed of about 1000km/h)…

hi excellent model of the mig21! looks very accurate to my eye but i would like to second witolds comments regarding the hot air coming out of the engine it doesnt quite look right…


thanks everybody for comments, it’s very motivating. I agree with critique on the “hot air” distortion. To be honest, I think the base high res render could be improved with adjustments on levels, colors and contrast, etc.

But the air distorsion, the “flames”/after burner/orange (and I’m not sure that I want to make an after burner :)) parts done in PS must be improved A LOT. Giving a second sight to it, it seems to be “put” on the image and not really realistic or integrated in it.

Thanks again,

Ps: I maybe won’t have internet for some weeks. I hope it will have been improved during this time !

Hi, I’ve tried to improve things on the base of the render I have. Work on distorsion of air, parameters etc… Comments and critiques are welcomed, as usual !


Incredible work, ookka! That jet is looking awesome, I would say it’s reached it’s finished stage! The bodywork is very pleasing to the eye.
And the heat distortion effect looks alright to me; I know that can be a very difficult effect to achieve.

The nozzle looks better in the last post. However, I am unsure about this change of the overall picture color - it may be just my impression, that the previous version with white light was a more realistic…

Anyway, I have searched the net for a while to help you with a real photo of the aircraft in similar condition (both photos are from richard-seaman.com):

On the first one you can see clearly the afterburners in action, viewed from similar angle as in your MiG-21:

Note the thin smudge of the vapour, at the left wing tip of this F-15 - I suppose that something similar may appear in your MiG, it would help to integrate this airplane with the background…

Of course, this MiG had probably too small wings, to apply them at such a high angle of attack which produces much more of the vapour from the air (due to very low pressure on the upper wing surfaces) like this F-15:

But anyway, I have also enclosed this picture, to realize how violent the fighter jet acrobatics is… (so maybe you should add some other smudges along wings of this MiG-21?)
(I suppose that it does not use the afterburners, on this second picture, or their intensity is significantly reduced…)

Good but don’t make the atmosphere above the clouds too dark and the smoke coming off the background plane is too dark and urealistic. Other than that it’s looking good :smiley:

Nice work Witold!

Are you going to port it to FSX / FS9?
Best //

A little misunderstanding :). I am commenting ookka renders (see posts #91, #85), they are not mine!

Ha ha thanks. You can ask fopr a part of them with your great book Witold. I’ll post the last in the finished forum and I will try to make another scene.

I personally prefer the lighting in post #85, with more stark sunlight and blue haze. After all, there are no clouds to stop it…

I love it. One of fav fighter.