Mig 21 Fighter plane


@James Candy : thanks a lot for the photo… texture painting is NEVER done haha. Even for this project it could a good thing so thanks.
@Kramon : thanks for kind words. I’ll follow the jet WIP with attention !

Working on lighting and adjusting things. Very hard but great learning process :slight_smile:


still a lot of improvements to be done (cone, tail shding, color/diffuse and bump maps to adjusts, modify tank shading, etc…) but I think the lighting is on its way, as reflexivity :

Thanks for critiques, comments and advices, welcomed as usual !
happy blending

still looks like a photo so keep it that way -> add some flames, and wingtip vorticies/trails

Thanks a lot DDD. You’ve underlined my two next steps :D. Thanks again.

Maybe when i finish my fighter we will do some fight!

you need 2 things actually… and many jets do not even create large flames with an after burner. if you DO add flames… keep them small… if you add flames, and the after burner is working… than you need to remember to add molecule seperation around where the canopy meats the wings. and should you choose… idk for sure what it is called but the hot air gets all warpy right after the engine… so with or without flames is suggest this

Wow, when I was at first just scrolling this page, I though - what a cool photo! Then I realized that it is a render lol
Keep up the great work! :slight_smile:

  • what is said above.

Thanks for comments !

@karmon : it will be a pleasure (I haven’t find the type of your plane, but…)
@Thornton Strolia: +1 for the hot air warped, I have this in mind but thanks for underlining this. You’re right too for aerodynamics with afterburner etc. In fact, I haven’t yet worked on the flames (or just exhaust light I mean). Air/smoke on wing could be a hard thing to do… as flames !
@miskolciart: thanks for comment, very motivating !

Thanks all for reading and critique.

the molecule separation around the canopy i could see being done with volumetrics… i bet ur doing this in cycles. i havent been paying that much attention. do the separation on a seperate render layer and use nodes to composite it ontop of the cycles image

Hi, some test about exhaust warp and illumination, let me know which one you prefer :

Thanks for critique/comments/viewing !

I really love this. It’s come a long way since I saw it last. Where did the F-4 go?! :stuck_out_tongue:

Top illumination is better imo, but exhaust is not seen there, and too much/wierd on the bottom one, but then maybe not… probably will look better with the glow form the flames?

i like the exhaust blur. now you just need a orangesh rend soft glow around the edge of the engine. i kindof agree about the lighting to some extent. i like the HDR reflection on the bottom but i think you need a little more sun light on top to go with it. the mixture should come out a little more yellow ish with blue reflections instead of yellow ish with greyish reflections. either way, it look way realistic

Hi, thanks for comments.

@BlueInGreen : thanks for kind word. The f4 has been… shot down :smiley: I’m kidding, but I did not want to focus on it now and work on environment before. But I will put it in another image/compo I hope.

@DDD : thanks too, I hope it will be better with jet engine flames/burst

@ThorntonStrolia: thanks too. I’ll try the soft glow and the HDR mixture you underline, I think you’re right on the yellow point.

Thanks again

Orange flame… is only when busters are turned on watch some photos… of plains in air do you see such stuff no… Only white brush foog after plane…

i live 3 quarters mile away from wright Paterson air force base and see jets coming and going all spring and summer long. The us military does not use migs, and as far as i know they never did, maybe during the cold war, but some other militarys do. I do see a lot of f-15s, f-18s, f-16s, and f-22s (have only seen an f-22 once at this base)… and athere is always a globe master in the sky but thats cargo. point is i can say that without after burners they do have a subtle orangeish flame, but it is very minimal and is likely mostly visible because of the heat distortion. but as @Kramon said, it is mostly a smooth gradient reflection on the inside of the exhaust that goes from white to a very bright orange color with red highlights in the seams where the thrusters expand.


after a lot of testing, the last current state :slight_smile: I’ve found a computer at work that can handle a high-res, I’ll made some test on it.

ooops duplicate post. Sorry

i like it… something about the flames makes mee feel like im gonna be stabbed by an orange glass sword… mayebe brighten it a little on inside of the exhaust and blur the flames just a little? it is just very dim on the inside of the exhaust.

the flames on a mig appear to spit a little out of the exhaust

… personally i think you just need to shoot for increasing the glow inside the exhaust so it looks a little somthing like this
