Miss Loan Villa - Kitchen

Hi everyone,
Today I want to show my newest test with Blender 2.83
These are some views of kitchen from a project of our studio in Vietnam
Hope you like it :smiley:
Any C&C are welcomed
Thank you! And have a nice day!


Really nice render.
Can you tell us more about the lighting ?
I’m new to archviz, so I’m interested in everything.

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Hi Aume, thank you for concerning my render!
About the lighting, here is my setting:
_ I used default world lighting (a white background node with value of strength is 6)

_ Then I added a sun lamp with value of strength is 6 too, to make a soft sun light) as you could see in these images)

But the lighting was not reach to the kitchen as deep as i want, it was still dark. Then I added a area lamp in front of the big main door (for brighter scene), and a portal light (for smooth render with low samples)

After all, I increased the value of exposure/gamma in color management for my bright final render as I wanted :smile:


The second image is my favorite, well done :smiley:

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Oh really? I’m very glad :grin: Thank you so so much! @jcfnav

Thanks for details.

I hope i prefer the second too !

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You’re welcome! I hope that you will show your beautiful projects soon. And happy Blending :grin:

The first render is awesome! Amazing work.

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@eelh Thank you very much! :grin: And have a nice day!


Hey! nice renders!
Did you model those props yourself? Or did you use library?

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@fuokuya Thank you very much! I just modeled the house, doors, kitchen cabinets, shelves, textured them and setup lighting. I used my studio’s library for others :smiley:


I featured you on BlenderNation, have a great weekend!

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@bartv Thank you Bart! Have a nice weekend! :wink:

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You’re on the #featured row! :+1:


Nice scene and render !

It’s kinda perfect work :slight_smile:

I love the ivy on the wall ! how did you model it ?

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Really nice renders. I’m working on a kitchen at the moment and will be very pleased if it turns out half as good as this!

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Wow! This is my first time on the featured row. Thank you so much @bartv! Anh Thank you guys for liking my post :smile:


@bigredshoes Thank you so much! These tips are really useful for me in real life :wink:

@pitibonom Thank you for concerning my work :smile: I’m still having some tiny problems in this kitchen haha
And about the ivy on the wall, actually I used library from my studio. But you could create ivy by using Ivy Generator addon, or you could model a single leaf to 3 different leaves (3 are enough in my opinion) and use particles system to creat an ivy wall :grin:

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@IanA Thank you so much for liking my test :wink: Hope that I could see your beautiful kitchen soon :smile:
(The secret is I’m lucky to achieved this realistic effect at the first time I tested)