Miss Seagull

Love the hair great job

Love the mood and atmosphere!

I recently added this model to sketchfab too if you’re interested :wink:

Awesome look. I love this work. Cartoony but with a great feeling to it.

VERY nice work. Her expression, especially with her eyes, makes her look like she’s alive (y)

Very nice! Thank you for sharing.

Thanks for sharing your work , amazing , that’s the kind of character that makes a movie , beautiful and slightly sassy. Love it.

Incredible, it did not lose its beauty even in the sketchfab render.

I checked out Mario’s work, and you’re right, he’s amazing. (I’m more amazed that he doesn’t have an in-house job as a concept artist too!)

Your 3d rendition of his work though blows me clear away. I thought it was a sketch… Really beautiful rendering. Really great style. Terrific execution. And over a weekend! Madness!

Well done. Excellent stuff. :slight_smile: