Modeling CLoth

Was trying to set the avatar object to collide with the cloth vest…

but I made the error I saved the file… gotta start over… :eek:
by the way what is the UV panel for?

I’m working on object collisions soon. Have to do a bit more cleanup this week. For now we just have rudimentary self-collisions.

The uv tool lets you generate a shape key based on the uv unwrap. It gives you a flattened versions of your 3d mesh as a shape key.

Would joining the cloth with the object you want to collide with and pinning only that objects vertices create a collision effect since it selfcollides?

Yeah. You can do that. I posted an example earlier. The self collisions is pretty crude for now though.

Very good stuff man, keep it up

Maybe show progress of cloth tearing?

No joke i dreamed of the wind function yesterday :smiley:

This addon - something incredible, did this in 25 minutes

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Can You describe Your modelling process? What was a general shape before you used Cloth script? How You prepare model to get these wrinkles on left and right side of armchair? Can You show some tricks - maybe you modelled them by hand with GRAB function? Can you make some short tutorial how you made this reeeeealy good model? :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile:
Thank You in advance

Here, its ready. This is an example, there is not everything perfect, just a demonstration of how i did it

and example from SP

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Very nice addon. Good work!

When you wish upon a star…

These days without that addon were so dark and empty…now it’s time to begin a new era:)

Rich im full blown away, the wind effect is so great!. Did you guys know that the most values are animatable? :smiley:

Great work, thanks.

Richcoburn: What is the theme you are using in the Modeling cloth video on YouTube. Normally I avoid changing themes, because I feel that when one is recording a video tutorial that just creates one more object of confusion for the viewer. As a former computer usage teacher you would not believe the number of times I have heard grown adults says “My screen does not look like that!!!”

But that particular theme looks very clean and clear I might use it for my own personal use then switch back when I am doing a screen recording to the default out of the box blender theme.

I use the “science lab” theme. I tweaked the text colors int the text editor. I use transparent tool bars. I have a gradient for the background with dark gray on the bottom and turquoise on the top.

I downloaded master but i can’t see a wind in features :frowning:
Sorry - i had to restart a blender and now it works! :slight_smile:

I can’t wait for better self collision (or object collision) and …and for GRAB tool with adjustable range - actually we can move one point with some little range, but it will be so cool to select few edges or few faces and move them to prepare for example some towel or some bedding (with 1-2 wrpapped corners) .

Ok follow up question. Where can one download that theme. I googled it and found some references but no download links.