Modeling CLoth

Hello there, the grab tool is not working at all for me:

also I noticed that when I exit blender, and I reload the files I saved, I’m not able to continue my work. The modeling cloth (first panel) is gone and I am left only with the others, not allowing me to go on:

The log is:

Traceback (most recent call last):
File “/Users/max/Library/Application Support/Blender/2.79/scripts/addons/Modeling-Cloth-master/”, line 1361, in draw
status = extra_data[‘alert’]
NameError: name ‘extra_data’ is not defined

Hope it helps…
Blender 2.79, Os X 10.12

About errors. They can appear when using the last experimental build. Use not an expert build and then avoid many mistakes, in other addons as well

Thanks, the most important thing is that it took very little time, a couple of minutes, after I realized how to use it

example of using addon

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This is incredibly impressive!
Thank you so much for creating and working on this!

Like all the others I’m also really looking forward for it to be able to collide with other objects. Oh wow… the possibilities.
As a feature I’d love to see some sort of “elastic band”… either vertex painted or just by using marked edges. With elastic band I mean areas that want to wrap tighter around the collision object for example to really quickly have tighter parts like at the end of sleeves, where it really pulls the cloth to the collision object, while the rest unmarked areas are loose and fluffy. I know something close to that can be achieved with having the cloth in two parts and sewing it together but being able to just quickly vertex paint a elastic band where it should be tighter on a one piece cloth without the need of the sewing process and having it in two parts would be unbelievably awesome!

Richcolburn, I do not know if you have tried to sculpt while you are simulating the fabric, but it is possible to act on the final Shape Key with the brushes while applying the physical ones, it is incredible.
I think that adapting the simulator a bit, could generate brushes with elasticity around the pointer.
This project promises a lot.:eek::smiley:

This thing works with modifiers too!
Tampering with a cast, subsurf, edge split


assigning modeling cloth pin breaks the baloon shape into anything else…

Proportional edit works too…

wasn’t able to use sculpting correctly anyway…

I fixed the grab tool so it won’t be affected by the scale or rotation of the object. I also fixed the pin tool (it was still trying to find windows specific stuff)

I’m putting together a feature request list.
So far I have:

  1. External object collisions
  2. Wind effects
  3. A button to automatically update the code from the github site
  4. An adjustable area for the grab tool
  5. Bend springs
  6. Self collision improvements.

If anyone would like to add to the feature request list or if any developer would like to work on an item. Please let me know. [email protected]

Richcolburn - it’s really impresive list of features:)
Is updated version (with working Grab tool) on githtub?

Once the external object collisions are in you could do this already by going into the source shape and scaling down the area you want to shrink. Doing a vertex weight paint might make for an easier workflow though. Maybe someone else can comment on this?

Yep. Let me know if it works for you.

It’s working OK now :slight_smile:

Pins are ok now! Thank you!
My feature request: please expose a “pin interface”. I mean a python function which sets pins by passing a “pin array”. This way we could use mesh analysis to detect point of interest and apply a sort of “auto pinning”.
What is this for? Well, human body waist, shoulders and so on detection for instance, and auto fitting…
Of course this needs external object collision first…

Another thing I think it’d be useful is straightening… a sort of function which “straights” meshes along a direction, like axes… I’ve tried to cast a curtain parallel to pins set orthogonal to the ground and I took me a lot… it can be difficult to get it straight only by moving sliders…
Moreover, if you use gravity, the mesh stretches to infinite… unless you start and stop the simulation at the right moment… but even so it’s tricky to get it right…
Lastly I’d like to point out that using a smooth modifier can greatly reduce self intersection… as it is obvious given it counters displacement effects… and the cost of surface realism… but that can be tricked with more noise or (curiously) tabbing in and out from edit/object mode…

I’m not exactly sure what you mean. You can currently go into edit mode and pin every vertex you have selected. I could see the value in pinning everything in a garment to the shoulders of the avatar so the garment would stay put at the shoulders. The pinned points would need to be parented to vertices on the avatar mesh. Is this maybe what you’re getting at?

Don’t hesitate to email me with clarification. [email protected]

thank you, again :slight_smile:

maybe something along the lines of ‘Bounding Volumes’…

so that the cloth could possibly be pinned to an animated low-poly mesh?

Cloth tearing?

I put it on the list.
I was thinking it would be cool to control the strength of the cloth at each vertex so you could make your own tear happen and model it beforehand.

It’s on the issues list on github! :stuck_out_tongue:

wow! this would work great with the tri3d gazer add-on, ty

You can copy clothes, prepare it for Cloth. Simulate wrinkles and bake to normal. After add second normal map with wrinkles and draw wrinkles by using mask