Modo-Me, Modo like action centers in Blender, Smart Action Centers and Axis Management

Ah ha! I’ll take a look walking out the door now. Back online in a few hours. Thanks for tracking this down!

Yeah sorry about that. I will make a fix release later today.

Sorry, I assumed 2.8 didn’t work either since 2_5_02092019 isn’t an integer, Python would complain there too.


@brandroid @obsurveyor

I just released v1.30 with fixes and couple new features. Please see the top post for the details and little demos of what they are.

This release hopefully should work better with 2.79.

As a side not, I am not going to continue supporting 2.79b release (1 year old release) because it is using Python 3.5 and the current 279 nightly releases already diverges from that API. It is really tedious for an addon dev to keep up with 3 different branches at this point.


I also would like to point out, please use the latest nightlies of both 2.80 and 2.79. I just hit an issue with 2.80 and I was hitting my head against the wall. Because my version on my laptop was couple weeks old and Modo-Me it kept throwing errors about the cursor location queries. Appearantly there was a silent change in that part of the town. Just sharing my learned lesson.

Thanks @kkar. Running nicely in 2.79 now here. Totally understand why you won’t be supporting it much longer. I’m doing most of my work in 2.80 these days, but I had to jump back to 2.79 for some retopo work this week. Custom pivot is a nice touch BTW!

I will be supporting 2.79 it is the actual release version from Blender that is troubling . I will make sure that the addons work with the 2.79 nightlies until 2.80 is released. You can use still use 2.79, just make sure you download the nightly versions of it.

Custom Pivot is nice because I sometimes need to “fix” a rotation point and the Cursor does not cut it because well, the Cursor is like a travelling sales man. Anyway I am glad you find it useful.

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It seems like there has been a recent API change that breaks the 2.80 version of this add-on. If you get an error, please just chill down, have a good cup of coffee and wait for my next release. thanks

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I updated the add-on to the latest version of Blender 2.80 Beta. Please download the newest version of the addon and the newest version of Blender 2.80.

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It looks like a recent 2.80 API change broke the add-on one more time. No panic, I will make a fixed release soon.


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Thanks! I don’t think I could live without this add-on.

Out of curiosity, what is the broken functionality you speak of?

I am guessing that you have not installed one of the latest 2.80 betas. It seems like some API change broke gizmo enabling. I will make a release later today.

I’ve been running new nightlies every time they come out (unless I notice that they horribly break everything). I saw some issues with Modo-Me but I chalked it up to inexperience on my part.

Please share screen shots of those issues when you encounter them, I would like to address the possible bugs and the API related breakage issues.

Modo expat here as well. Thanks for making this! The feature I am sorely missing (besides modo’s world class UV tools) is the ability to quickly mirror things.

I forget if it was native or a seneca script - but the ability to quickly mirror across an axis or use your current edge selection as the axis was a huge time saver. Having to add the mirror modifier, set a mirroring object, select the axis, is annoying.

Do you see any way this modo mirroring could be ported over to blender?

Try using Ctrl-m (press x y z afterwards) This works in edit and object mode , and it is sensitive to the currently selected origin mode which you can set using Modo-Me naturally.

Mirroring based on the currently selected edge is a good idea, I remember using that myself too. I will add to my todo.

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Modo-Me is updated to work with the latest version of Blender 2.80 Beta. Please bear in mind that these version updates are not backward compatible due to API changes that are reflected in the add-on.

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I just pushed a new update.


  • [NEW] Selection Object Axis added. This mode uses local axis in edit mode.
  • [FIX] The element mode now respects the last selected component

Hi there! This looks like an incredibly useful addon (I’m coming from Modo). I purchased it from the blender market and installed it as directed and I got the following error in the latest build of 2.8:
menu ‘object.modoactioncenters’ not found.

The menu would not show up.

Then I uninstalled it and renamed the ‘’ file to ‘’ and placed it in my startup folder. This allowed me to access the menu…but when I tried to use it none of it worked and I got the following error:

I can’t seem to get it to work. Any ideas?


Sorry about the issue you are having. Please just use the standard way of installing it, it should work with regular add-on installation methods. If it does not, then either your Blender 2.80 is too old or too new if you will.

  • First of all are you using the latest 2.80 nightly?

  • I need to see the original error when you try to add and register the addon.

Please bear in mind that the 2.80 API changes very frequently and Modo-Me is one of those addons that is most affected because the gizmo stuff is frequently reworked. So I end up updating the addon for the latest API every couple weeks it feels like. It was working fine the last time I tried last week.

I will update the addon as soon as I can, if this is an issue with the API change.