Modular Tree

have you also pulled the submodules (vcpkg and pybind11) ?

Submodules? I only did the steps that I pasted above, mainly clone --recursive, checkout new branch, start .sh - just like in the installation instructions on your github.

The --recursive is supposed to pull the submodules as well, but it didnā€™t since master didnā€™t have any submodules (this should be resolved now that I have merged mtree_rework into master)

To solve your issue you can run git submodule update --init --recursive


Mtree 4.0.0 is released !

you can download it here.


  • complete c++ rewrite with python bindings
  • Faster tree generation
  • more natural looking branches
  • Better mesh topology
  • Leaves/twigs are scattered using geometry nodes

Missing features:

  • twig procedural generation
  • materials
  • roots
  • grease pencil guiding
  • armature and wind

Missing features will be reintroduced in future releases.

I intend to take full advantage of geometry nodes for bark displacement, wind and twigs generation; so future releases will probably be compatible only for blender 3.0.0 and above.


Nice! Downloading it now!

edit: Think I may have found a bug right out the gate. I installed the addon without issue, restarted Blender as a just-in-case measure, reopened it, and started doing the usual MTree spiel.

When I popped the Tree Mesher onto the grid, it created a LOAD of empty tree objects, 118 altogether, with the last tree on the list being the active, editable object. Iā€™m assuming itā€™s not supposed to do this, correct?

For reference, Iā€™m on Fedora 35, Blender 3.0 Official. Hereā€™s a shot of the resulting tree spammage.

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yes finaly

thanks for the info, Iā€™m taking a look

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The good news is Iā€™m still able to use it. I deleted all but the last tree, and began working on building a quick tree. The weird thing is, it always wants to recreate the base ā€œtreeā€ object, even though tree.117 is the active one being displayed. Plus, itā€™ll randomly pop out a new tree object on occasion, not due to any action Iā€™ve made, butā€¦just because.

I canā€™t reproduce the issue, when you create a mesher node, do you have an object field like in this picture ?

No, the Tree Mesher node only has Generate Tree, and Add Leaves. It doesnā€™t give me any options for resolution or smoothness.

And speaking of which, when I click Generate Leaves, it gives me a number of Python errors. I figured it was because youā€™re still using the old node set, so I enabled Legacy Nodes in the Experimental tab, andā€¦no luck. Still does the same thing.

Even though I uninstalled the older MTree addon, do you think there might be some lingering files about, causing a conflict? Though I hate to do this, Iā€™ll reset everything back to Blender default, see if that gives me any improvements.

Well, that didnā€™t fix much, though I did figure out how to replicate the duplicating tree issue.

If you create a new tree from the default cube, it doesnā€™t give you a ton of duplicates. It all remains confined to the cube. But if you delete the default cube, and create a new tree from inside MTree, thatā€™s when it starts spitting out duplicates.

Though Iā€™m still not able to get a Tree Mesher node with the settings in your shot, and creating leaves gives me this error:

Thatā€™s very strange, this is supposed to be fixed, and I checked the files of the linux version.

can you send me the addon archive ?

Hold on, I think I might know what the problem is, and that I might be dumb. Gimme a couple.

Okay, hereā€™s what happened.

I had one of your old alpha builds still sitting about in my Downloads folder. Itā€™s called When I went to download the final rev you linked to above, it saw that it had a similarly named file in there, so it changed it modular_tree_4_0_0_linux(1).zipā€¦

ā€¦which I didnā€™t notice. So when I went to install it, guess which I used? Yup. That was the problem. Didnā€™t notice it until I went to look at the archive, then it finally occurred to me.

Iā€™ve since deleted the two files, and redownloaded the final to triply check and make sure I was getting the right file, installed it, and it looks like itā€™s working perfectly.

Sorry for the drama. :stuck_out_tongue:

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Happens to the best of us !


i have nothing bether to do in my live so i made the leave distrobution with feelds


This is extremely fast. thank you

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Iā€™m loving the update, especially how fast it is!

One quick note, tho ā€” IDK if this is a bug or a feature, but on my system (Mac), the first time I add leaves to a tree, I get an error message similar to the one Renzatic reported earlier.

location: <unknown location>:-1
Error: Python: Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/Users/**********/Library/Application Support/Blender/3.0/scripts/addons/modular_tree/python_classes/", line 38, in execute
  File "/Users/**********/Library/Application Support/Blender/3.0/scripts/addons/modular_tree/python_classes/resources/", line 11, in distribute_leaves
    modifier.node_group = ResourceUtils.append_geo_node("leaves_distribution")
  File "/Users/**********/Library/Application Support/Blender/3.0/scripts/addons/modular_tree/python_classes/resources/", line 18, in append_geo_node
    bpy.ops.wm.append(filepath=filepath,filename=name,directory=directory, autoselect=False)
  File "/Applications/", line 132, in __call__
    ret = _op_call(self.idname_py(), None, kw)
RuntimeError: Error: './resources/geo_node/geo_nodes_2_93.blend/NodeTree/leaves_distribution': not a library

To be clear, the leaves system does create a new blank Geometry Node, but geo_nodes_2_93.blend is not appended, nor the leaves mesh in that file imported.

Iā€™ve re-downloaded and re-installed the addon a few times to confirm, and the issue is consistent.

In any case, I filled in the Geo Node by following the example provided by Slinc_HDā€™s screenshot, and made my own leaves.

It looks pretty nice for a quick and dirty.

Anyway, thanks again for the addon. Iā€™ll keep an eye on this thread for news of updates.


can this be used like speed tree to quickly make trees for games ?

It just occurred to me to try manually appending the twig collection from geo_nodes_2_93.blend into my new Blender file before I ran Add Leaves, and with that everything processed without issue.

Hurr durr, right?

One other thing Iā€™ve noticed is that the tree mesh is created with flipped normals. IDK if thereā€™s a reason for this, but I just make sure to either flip them or recalc outside, and then all is good.