Moleculars physics

no new features for now. I currently a bit busy and try to find time to work on my mesher :slight_smile:

Great work!
And a little inspiration… Surface Turbulence for Particle-Based Liquid Simulations

My website hosting plan finish tomorrow. I don’t get this year enough donation to paid it totally.
I will try to find a solution and let’s you know about it.

Is there some sort of information on licensing? Am I allowed to use this addon for commercial purposes?

You can use it has you want. Personnal or commercial use. Same licensing then blender

Alright, thank you very much for your quick reply! :smiley: Is this the same for your Cubesurfer addon?

Hi Pyroevil,

as you host your sources already on github, why not using to host a page related to your repo as well ? Think its free as well for public repos. Alternatively, you could “host” your binaries at github too (as Downloadable files) or even at google drive or so. For the latter option you would need to share the link to the google drive folder somewhere, maybe here in your thread ?

Edit: some github page examples…

I use my website not only for hosting files , but for somes news , docs … etc. Free hosting don’t support the peak bandwith I got when I release a addons ( Already get a lot of trouble with many free hosting ). It’s generate a part of my funding too with ads. I finally get some additionnal donation to fill the gaps and my hosting is paid. Thanks you all. I will check for the next year how I can funds my addon better.

I unable to use this script on blender 2.77. May I know when would it available.


Molecular for Blender 2.77 is now available. Some memory issue with particles links and fix too.

I’m looking forward to your update, but can you push your changes to github, or offer a source code archive, so I can make a build for Mac OS X?

Thanks again,

Awesome tool!

Thank you very much, this really help to speed up my work.

Traceback (most recent call last):
File “C:\Users\xxx\AppData\Roaming\Blender Foundation\Blender\2.78\scripts\addons\”, line 600, in execute
mol_report = cmolcore.init(mol_exportdata)
NameError: name ‘cmolcore’ is not defined

location: <unknown location>:-1

I’m getting this error in Blender 2.78, is this compatibility issue or am I doing something wrong?

It’s made for 2.78 yet. On that note dear Pyro when will it be available for 2.78 version?

anyone else had a similar problem with the explosion of particles in the simulation?

I’ve made a video tutorial for this awesome plugin if anyone was interested:

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Hi, I’m having problems when trying to use the UV coordinates, I get all kind of weird artifacts but I was never able to get the correct coordinates. I followed the documentation from here:

But I’m still getting weird results. Is there something broken with the UVs? I’m using the angular velocity as per the docs but I can’t get the right result with the UV coordinates.

I fixed some errors in the add-on:

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Hi Pavel. I’m a little late to the game but thanks a ton for bringing Molecular up-to-date w/r/t official 2.79 (as well as fixing bugs and such). It’s a shame that the original author doesn’t maintain it anymore (and not for a while if I’m reading things right) but they were nice enough to open source it in the first place so I’m not complaining too loudly.

I recently installed a GTX 2070 so I have a predicament. I can’t use official 2.79 builds but even the latest Molecular version doesn’t work with recent nightly builds (e.g. 2.79.7). I’m getting a variation of an error that’s been mentioned in the past…

 File "yadda\...\molecular\", line 53, in execute
     mol_report = core.init(mol_exportdata)
  NameError: name 'core' is not defined

Seems bogus since I use the same install with 2.79b without issue (and core.pyd is present there). Is it perhaps due to Python version incompatibility? 2.79b uses Python 3.5.3 while 2.79.7 uses 3.7.0 (and the Molecular releases you published are compiled with, what, 3.5.4?)

TL;DR Planning on doing additional work to keep Molecular current? (Or, praise the lord, porting it to 2.80? :wink: ) If you are, great. If you’re not, I’m a SW dev by trade so I’ll probably take a hack at if I get the time though, unfortunately, a) I have barely any free time these days and b) my Python experience is nearly non-existent.

Anyways, any info you can provide one way or another about any of this would be much appreciated. Cheers!

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