Moleculars physics

Thank you so much for the continuing effort you put into this!

Good news, i fixed the rendering of the baked UVs (still in cycles only) Seems I could trick blenders pointcache to store the angular velocity data aka UV in molecular too. Now it is available in each frame, also in rendering (fixed now) and after loading the blend (if baked before).
Fixes are only in the addon, no special build necessary :slight_smile:

Note, there might be some corners and edges still, please test and report back if something is still not working as expected.


Thank you. It works perfectly!

Thank you so much!!

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Hello, @scorpion81
I have to ask you:
Can you add new features in molecular script?

the ability to pause baking. And then resume it even after closing the blender.

Add the Time Scale parameter so that you can slow down or speed up simulations.

Get rid of the jelly-like simulation.

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I’ve been testing your updated 2.8 version and it’s working perfectly for me (especially the UV stuff which is what I’m interested in)! Any chance of updating CubeSurfer? Right now there is no way to skin the molecular particle system (especially in such a way that maintains UVs like cubesurfer does).


I haven’t been able to replicate color ramp node setup for having outer layer baked from UV and inner particles having different color like on this picture:

I followed node setup which is in the old documentation from without success. Can anyone help and guide me? Or this function doesn’t work in the latest version for blender 2.8?

Note: Separation through R, G or B leads to horizontal or vertical separation - not outer/inner separation

Help much appreciated!

I tested this (having the shell have one texture and interior having another) and it did work. Just make sure you play around with the math node and colorramp to get it to work for you (make sure you’re messing with the blue channel as well since this is where distance is stored)

Yeah, it works. Thanks CGMatter. After long time i figured out what was the issue. Somehow blender unchecked to run python scripts and that was what was causing the mixup.

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As of right now it’s not possible to use this script in eevee rendering engine? Is anyone working on porting this script to eevee? I guess it would demand to completely rewrite the script and be quite time consuming.

Hi :slight_smile:
The problem here is that molecular uses the particle info node for mapping the UV to the particle duplis. But this is just not supported in eevee (yet ?) It would need bigger changes in the C source code even. For now this will just work with cycles.

Trying to follow along an old tutorial, but there’s a few options I can’t find in 2.80 (Well, 2.82):

Display Size, which draws the dashed circles

and the size option in the physics tab:

Isn’t the size option in the physics tab the same as the scale in the render tab?

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I think so now, as for showing the size, I selected ‘object’ in the render tab and used an icosphere so I could see correctly set the particle size.

Is anyone able to activate the updated CubeSurfer addon in 2.80?
I could install it (had to move the files that were just put into /.config/blender/2.80/scripts/addons/ in a new folder “cubesurfer”, so it shows up in Add-ons), but clicking the “activate” checkbox does not work.
There seems to be no way to report a bug for this github project.

Activates fine in 2.81.
Be sure to only extract/use the content from ….Releases/

Throws an error when disabling:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "C:\Users\user\Desktop\281\2.81\scripts\modules\", line 437, in disable
  File "C:\Users\user\AppData\Roaming\Blender Foundation\Blender\2.81\scripts\addons\cubesurfer\", line 548, in unregister
AttributeError: 'RNA_Types' object has no attribute 'INFO_MT_mesh_add'

It works fine for me with EEVEE. I am only using simple materials for the particles though. 2.80

Thank you, so it seems like I am doing something wrong.
Using view raw in your link, I get the same file I got by downloading using “Clone or download”->“Download zip” and extracting the “” from the “Release” folder. So I should be using the right one.

Still, I can’t activate the addon neither in 2.80 or 2.82. Running blender from terminal I get “addon not found: ‘cubesurfer’” error.
Did you also have to move the addon files to a separate folder?

Yes, I created “cubesurfer” folder and put contents ( & mciso.pyd) in.

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Thanks! I got it working by copying over and from pyroevil’s 1.0 release for linux to my cubesurfer folder in /.config/blender/2.80/scripts/addons/. Having cython and cython2 installed was not enough.

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