I’ve started to study the benefits of UV Maping and painting textures from scratch. I realized that I have a lot to learn. I will! However, after failing to paint a realistic apple skin with blended colors, I just used all procedurals in these renders.
Thanks for the replies. I guess I missed the ball on the Spec and Hardness.
What I really want to do is paint a realistic skin for an apple. My first attempt with blended skin tones (ex: last apple) was bad. I couldn’t get the right blend from red to green. It just ended looking like hard lines once uvmapped. Plus I wish I understood how to use my UV as a bump, corresponding exactly to the way its mapped.
Thanks for all the feedback. I just need to find the right balances of spec, refl, hard and bump. Which is a challenge to say the least. I think the env map reflection nees to be higher vs. the spec and hardness. Shiny apples can have glossy skin and can reflect at times the environment. It seems I’m close to an acceptable model. In my opinion the green apple is the best of the 3.
ec that last apple was good, and as far as shinyness goes I was looking at an apple today and actually they are pretty shiny, just in parts more like your last one. The one I was looking at looked like maybe it had wax on it as it reflected the light well. Bump maps and such will help but I think in some ways your first apples were not that far off. Or maybe I just got a batch of highly polished shiny apples. Anyway I still like the last one the best. Well done.
I agree with S68, darn near photorealistic… except for the stem on top of the apple. Its too round and clean, and most apples i can recall have a little bump at the end of the stem, it fattens out a bit.
But other than that, awesome work!!!