Mountain Scene

I thought the original render was decent enough, considering I had no plan or direction when making this scene beyond, “Show off the pretty rock model.”

However, a day or two after rendering, I tried my hand at some minor editing with my phone. Upped the exposure and the contrast, tweaked the saturation a pinch…basically a handful of subtle, minor adjustments. And now, as with the Cat Statue scene, I can’t tell if the adjustments I made actually improved the image or not. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

Let me know which one you think is better-- the original:

Or the tweaked version:


I think it looks good before fertilization Correction :slightly_smiling_face:

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Um…what do you mean by, “fertilization”? :sweat_smile:

I’m saying I like the original is good. :sweat_smile:

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Ahhhh I see. Thanks for the clarification! :grin:

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I like the original one. The second one looks oversaturated to me.

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