Multi-Layer Metal Shelf (possibly Drawer Cabinet 02)

The bones of this model are from early- or mid-2022. This is so old that when I did the initial modeling, I still thought using an unapplied Subdivision Surface modifier was how you got rounded, non-infinitely sharp edges. (Guess I didn’t learn that bevels were a thing until Poly Haven’s The Shed project. :man_facepalming:)
I spent around two hours undoing a lot of the work I’d already done in 2022: dissolving tons of proximity loops, separating pieces to give the model more of a “built” or “constructed” feel, beveling most edges, that sort of thing. This was never meant to be a super complex or intricate model, I just needed something decent that I could use for more texturing practice in Substance Painter. (And it felt like sprucing this up would be faster than making a new asset from scratch.)

(Griffin statue and brass goblets made by @Tina)

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