My 3D adventure fighting game

You can’t imagine playing a game in a pink world

WOOAH man have i missed so much ey !!!
Fantastic Work you got here @blenderaptor :smiley:


i should try to finish this game :slight_smile:


Thx for all your favs.

I extended the map, put lights and put a lift (need to custom it :slight_smile: )

running on Ryzen 3 with APU

direct link

@Cotaks , does UPBGE-eevee is better with the lights ?

  • Not going through walls
  • Light bouncing on walls for a global lighting in a room (here, i make walls emit light :confused: )
  • Making objects produce light them-self

I have UPBGE eevee but i have no idea to use the options


I bet, but don’t ask me, i’m not using 3.0 because it’s still a wip and not all functions are in it yet.
You should look at @BluePrintRandom topic, he got some nice lighting and bloom effects going on. I believe he is using 3.0.

Also one trick to stop a lot of lightbleed is by using thick walls and overlap them a little, like roof let half of it overlap the walls etc.

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i just tested UPBGE eevee and it seems good avoiding having lightbleed but unfortunately it crashes all the time.

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UPBGE EEVEE an earlier build crashes on Material management but not UPBGE 0.3…
(ive tested that UPBGE 0.3 is Tech Demo READY, i have yet to drop a new video)

I still have yet to play around with it ive been so focused on my project i havent really found a time to use it well.


is UPBGE 0.3 really superior to BGE 2.79 with some 2d filters ? I would like to know where i can read any doc explaining what UPBGE brings more than BGE

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upbge 0.3 is based on 2.8 that uses eevee is the render engine.

so yes, its vastly superior rendering tech to 2.79

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sorry, i meant upbge 0.24

I Like the game my friend ! Nice environment and everything ! The animation is cool too, everything is cool.

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My game so far. Added features

I would really like to have it in UPBGE eevee 1 day @lordloki_reloaded @BluePrintRandom

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very nice job :smiley:

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thank you. I have a new fan ? :smiley:

Here, just little fight ending (will remind us good old games)

(dont forget to put the sound on)

(she looks ugly coz straight savage poly reduction :grimacing: )


meaty punch sounds, i like it. is it purely classic 1v1 or will we see team fights too?

it will be like the good old game Fighting Force . She will have another female team mate and they will fight together up to 5 villains in the same time :wink: Just need ttime to review all the animations and and the AI

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i tried to do something near Dead Rising and L4D2 :smiley: But your efficency in logic is amazing, congrats for the code :smiley:


Yes, my game system is somehow a success as when i show cased it in a show event for video games, not less than 3 people said to me that " yeah but you know, BGE is faster that UE " :hugs:

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i think you probably gone too fast in your project. Maybe you had too much logic bricks and no python ?

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i used logic brick just for some camera switch, audio soundtrack, the main issue is my code, every object in scene is called by it (for h in scene.objects: ) and it assign Status, property LOD, a lot of things.
But every “if property in h” is a weight more T_T, and for works an “openworld” needs many object.
i am recoding all from sketch for find some why to call functions in a smooth way.