thank you ! I will test all that in a while. I’m not against to collaborate with a good artist on my game and someone who is really good on ressource optimisation. Im more into making animations
Here below, the map is running. I would like my game to run very fluent on old machines and like a true arcade game. For the moment, even if the map is huge it runs well (the screen capture make it drop to 50 fps)
i have no idea ha ha. I’m noob with all those things. I think i just put a white material texture. GLSL , Backface culling, occlusion, shaders … bla bla bla … so many options i dont know
I had some difficulties making the NavMesh + Steering couple working properly on a map with different levels. So i created a checkpoints system + getVectTo() holly function. So rather making a messy navmesh , i just used empties as targets for the npc. My character can notify its presence to the npc, in which case, the npc can takes you as a target as long as you don’t escape too far. When the npc resumes his path, he finds the closest checkpoint on the level he is.
Sorry for the glitches at then end, screen-capture does that.
thx ! i have so many ideas for my game but i see that my work will be just exponential . But the more i go into the project, the more i see that stability is all , which make the project slower to make . That why i was talking about a collaborative template in the other thread. It’s a pity everyone playing with BGE has to make the same things over and over…
Im’ back after 3 months coz i was working on another project for my job. To bring things back on the table : I will create a 3D fighting game with the aim it becomes a solid template for people to feed with contents. My template will try to extend to a FPS with RPG elements. The final goal will be to create a game like Oni from Bungie but open source .
S.S.S. : solid, stable and simple will be the frame of development but also a place for people to share ideas on how to make the things done. Sometimes a nice little trick/hack can be more elegant than 100’s python code. Talking game system design can be also fun.
For the moment, i have already a game system, i have a map , 2 characters game system and also like 15-20 animations. I’m looking for a wiki domain to set the base.
WOOOOAHHH haha he falls like a bag of hammers! Looks like the logic is really heating up! What scrips are running in the background to make that 60% logic go up?
ah nooo , okey , lol. The reason was that before using OBS (only my 2 last video), i used python to render 1 picture/frame . Thats’why it was horrible The video with the guy with the big head is the right one with nice ragdoll system
Working on the animation system.
Good to add a style on each basic animation. In this exemple, unfortunately, the update seems to occur only when animation fully looped
the animation shift is not only on the arms but on the full body. Look at the feet. Sorry for the animation, still have to work on it