My cel-shading

i overplayed in mgs5. lol
testing shading like in mgs novels and scanner darkly style

another in manga


nice work can i ask you to teach me the basic material and lighting set,s i am bad on that


how it works

another npr art for my novel

nice results if you just tell me do you use " ao and other world settings ?" and what kind of light,s type do you use to gave this exact scene,s you do? thanks :slight_smile:


Great job, I like it very much, I have a plan to create something in scanner darkly style, the book-something like my paintings-artistic visions with a light story+with several characters.

stil working on my anime kit for blender, release when its donr but soon

test for animatic

some night storyboarding for cinematic

Anime kit for Blender …it’s amazing!!.. this is a realy anime top art.

some graphic novel shading experiments again

cry! its coming looool

and manga shaded of course


hand toning

just little announce