some day test
so i working on strategic guide book about anime/cellshading with oss like a blender makehuman natron and gimp
and i need u mentions and some feed back about it
Your work was posted in the Facebook BlenderNPR community and it is pretty impressive. To be honest I know that you can use cycles for cell shading but am not a fan of it. The edges are to soft, there is a shader on sale I know which is two tone. Am curious how you want to experiment with OSL. Use BI myself.
You are pretty much at the manga spectrum of things, I am more dedicated to the anime style of the spectrum. Please join the Google+ 3D Anime group or visit the page.
I would love to see a game engine port of the shader.
(there is a 2d,filter for freestylish outlines)
so awesome i like the way you do the background and fx so i really want to know more about your works
i am also working on making some 2d anime by using a 3d software and i hope wee can work together on this
some of my works
i am not satisfy about it that,s why i am steel searching for more
just now im working on my graphick novel and it tooks al my free time
Wow. It took me a little while to realise that those were 3D renders at all. Very impressive.
Beautiful cel shading. Going to revisit this when I have a couple of hours to really consider it.
I loved this man, great work,
Blender is so good with Cell-shading
I dont have great experience with the software, but exploring i reach this result:
@xwst you’ve got some great art and style on this thread. I’d love to see some more. Do you have a process YouTube or anything like that?
these tests are quite good. the post-fx process takes it several steps further in style than the default cel-shading