My entry for the Blender Guru "Future" Competition

Hello guys. I thought that this time I would try my hand at one of Blender Guru’s Competitions.
I have been working on this image since Friday when the competition started.
Render time is just over 30 minutes on my low end i7.
(click for high res)

Please give me any critique that you can think of.
Thank you.

The first thing that comes to mind when I see this image is WALL-E.

But anyway, I think it should have more color than it has, and perhaps more detail to the objects.

I would say add more details either trough tex or trough modeling. And a bit too specular (I know, future is bright and shiny :)).
Otherwise looks good. Nice concept.
And when I hear about your low end i7 I thank god for my HIGH END C2D :slight_smile:
P.S. I’m also gonna submit work, so i’m just trying to get rid of competition :slight_smile:

different TEXT pleaaaaaaaaaaaaaaase!
default blender text is HORRID
and andrew thinks so too…so it might be good to change ;D
Love the McDonalds sign…its pretty cool, and looks like a great Marketing campaign…

Have fun!!! this is so much different from my entry lol

lol thanks guys :slight_smile: Im rendering another version now with some improvements and soft shadows, more AO and motion blur.
I am thinking about changing to cycles though… I will play around with it when this render is done (will take in total about 3 and a half hours)

lol… when I say low end i7 its probably better than any core 2 duo :stuck_out_tongue: i have around 8 ghz of total processing power.

Its fine if you want to enter… I dont care, i am not expecting to win :slight_smile: i am just trying to improve my skills.

@Evilmoonmoose The only place that I use the default blender text is in the “blender cybernetics ad” i thought that would fit well… I guess you are right though… I will change it.

oh and @NBC011795 I did actually watch parts of walle as inspiration for this because I remembered that they had some great futuristic stuff in there :slight_smile:

edit: oh and i used the blender typeface on the names as well :confused: i changed that…

hi natholas, good luck to you! this is my two cents: i would like to see a lot more soft shadows, and i think this really begs ambient occlusion. you’ve got a lot of lights in your scene; in a real hallway illuminated with this many lights, there isn’t much space for shadows. areas in shadow get lightened by the next or previous light source. plus, some of your light sources are wide/long, and the windows (like the one on the very left of the image) act as area lights. cool thing about a scene like this is that you might be able to get away with only using a few soft shadow-casting area lamps, and just using AO for a soft contact shadows look. that may or may not give you shorter render times too…

personally, i’d also like to see some subtle textures on the floor and ceiling obscuring the reflections - like scuffs or small signs of wear. that’d add some realism, in my humble opinion. i know it’s the future, and everything’s shiny, but surely scuffs and scrapes and smudges are still bound to happen :smiley: and if it were me, i’d probably use a reflection pass, a material index mask, and a bilateral blur to make the reflections on the walls or floor or ceiling (or all of them?) just a smidge blurry.

again, good luck to you!

Thanks for the comment ohsnapitsjoel :slight_smile:
here is an updated version (still internal render):
(click for high res)

It fixes much of what you guys have described :slight_smile: I will add some textures and more detail later… for now I am working on a cycles render
There are 52 materials in this scene so it is quite a job to get each one perfect :stuck_out_tongue:

holy crud that looks good :smiley:

mine looks horrible in comparison as of now

looks really good except the text
change the font

Thanks guys :slight_smile:
@JnZ I have been following that tread :slight_smile: the saving backups is something that I do with normal blender renders as well… but I will defiantly do that with this project as well :slight_smile:

@EvilMoonMoose if you post your work here then we can help you improve it :slight_smile:
In my opinion I am better off posting here and getting advice then doing it all myself… (i have a tendency to miss some stupid things) if someone copies your work then im sure andrew will notice that.

@Idh1109 what typeface would you suggest?

Cycles render is taking quite long… :confused: im rendering at 70% of 1080p right now and it will probably take around 48 hours to get it noise free :stuck_out_tongue:
I counted that I have 48 materials and most of them are glossy, glass or emitting so I am assuming that that is the reason for it :stuck_out_tongue:

well take a look in a minute i will name it ‘Remnants Of The Past’

maybe then itll look better

nvm look in WIP so you can help there if you like?

use this font

I’ll have a look evilmoonmoose
Idh1109 that is a nice one I’ll think about using that

Here is what it looks like after 1000 samples
(click for high res)

Ok I redesigned the logo, added more light into the scene and changed the typeface for all the text.
Here is the new logo:

And here is the image so far… 782 samples into the render:
(click for high res)

nice :slight_smile: the new font helped
the giant logo is a little distracting. I liked the old logo better

Is the logo supposed to remind me of baseball, because it does.

Ok so judging by the comments from you guys I think. Should change the logo… I will have another go at designing one :slight_smile: oh and the render is looking great! A few more hours until it is noise free :slight_smile:

lol nice ;D anyway the log is a nice touch and cahnging the text is awesome…remember you have a month so do your best!
also i noticed there is no track from the track to the room doors…HOW DO THEY GET OUUUUT!!!

also all of them are very fat…i believe all those luxurys have made us lazy ;D