It’s not that it’s a bad design but you gotta admit that it’s got kind of a baseball thing going on.
What does F&F represent or do. Try to reflect that in your design.
It’s not that it’s a bad design but you gotta admit that it’s got kind of a baseball thing going on.
What does F&F represent or do. Try to reflect that in your design.
I was wondering that myself.
Thanks I am working on redoing the logo… now that I look at it it does actually remind me of a sports logo… and I need to think of a better name as well.
There is not really meant to be a path from the cars to the room. They are pretty fat but the idea is that when you enter the hotel you get in one of these car things and it takes you to where you want to go, stops and lets you get out and then it drives itself back to the entrance of the hotel. One thing that I might do though is add a bit of a drop where the rail goes so that when the people get out they can be level with the ground and not have to jump down (think of it like a train at a station)
Today I have also been making some scratch textures for the walls and some of the floor.
I would post a picture now that it has done 2600 samples (it is nearly noise free) but I will wait until tomorrow morning (UK time) so that I can post a completely noise free cycles render
On another note… I have drawn up an idea to change the layout. It will be allot more challenging but I think it will look better.
Please feel free to critique it as harshly as you want:
(click for high res)
I hope you understand the drawing
I also liked the first logo better. I forgot to mention it above but it cached my eye from first render… Only inconsistency (if of any importance, could be interplanetary corp.) is map of earth on a logo of a Mars hotel…
Cycles looks good, those reflections are really adding to overall look. Should add some tex and emmision to control screens of charts (guess that’s a fine detail that will come latter…).
Windows and landscape idea are great, much more work, but should really boost things up + probably help with lighting and noise.
Keep up the good work, looking forward to see new stuff!
The first logo was one that a friend of mine designed while learning graphic design… so I cant really use that one.
How about this logo?
Also… here is that image (nearly completely noise free)
(click for high res)
Like the logo, looks like something real hotel would use…
There is a mountain on Mars called Olympus Mons, I believe it’s around 24 km high, could use it in a landscape (now I am pushing my ideas witch I don’t like, but couldn’t resist, imagine skiing there :D)
Render looks good, how many passes?
Thanks for the comment JnZ I have actually made a mountain for the background this is the image that I have made and rendered for the background so far (blender internal) and I am using on a textured plane in the main cycles scene:
The image about was about 8000 samples and It rendered for about 18 hours.
I am rendering another scene with the new layout now and I will post that tomorrow. (it is rendering quicker now though because there is more light coming from outside through the windows.
One more thing (you probably knew this too), could use that plane as emission with some high value and add the original image in compositor, would add a bit of HDR style lightning to the scene, though there might be some problems if you used actual glass for windows…
edit: actually, now that I think of it, I had problems only when using DOF
do you just add it as a texture to a emitting object? that is what I did.
I like the logo & name much better. Now I can tel where the picture takes place. My only thought would be to make the mountains more symmetrical. This is a logo not a topographical map.
Yup. If you wanna go really bright make it invisible to camera ray and use transparent bcg. then latter add the image in compositor.
Actually don’t know about glass, will make some tests and let you know, but not using it should ease things up for your computer…
Edit: Not working with glass… So either no glass on windows or keep the plane emission low (maybe somebody knows a different solution)
I don’t make any sense (to tired) so here is additional clarification:
In this image I used a photo textured on plane as a light source, the emission value was above 100 so it would nicely lit the room. If I left the plane visible it would be pure white do to high emission. Also the glass on window would be pure white… So I hid it and checked transparent in film settings, deciding to add it later in compositor. But glass will not be transparent when you finish rendering it will instead take the color of world. So only solution was to remove glass plane. And actually it looks good, only problem that can be there is that if your window is curved you will miss some reflections and refractions in your scene.There it is, going to sleep now
Nearly completely noise free only around 3500 samples!
I think that I might just have something way simpler… I just have a plane with an emitting material with a texture applied to it.
Is there an advantage to what you are doing? I cant see any
Here you can see what I can see that I need to fix… U probably dont understand most of it though… If you have any other critique then please leave a comment.
I’m not saying I’m right, but I kinda liked it when the render had the noise, mostly because it made everything darker. I don’t know if its just the picture I have in my head, but I think the whites are too…bright (mostly those lights). Maybe you can color-grade the whites so they have a slightly different brightness and tint…idk. Just my thoughts!
Looks incredible though!
Well, after a good night of sleep neither do I
Never post comments if U haven’t slept in last 24h
haha! ye i know what you mean no worries
@CG-DJ Thank you I am probably going to edit this image when it is done to make it a little darker and to change the colours a little.
The main reason that it is so bright now is because it renders quicker when it is brighter
Ok one more post for now…
Here is the new and improved marsian landscape.
(click for very high res)
And here is some OpenGL renders of the three different ships that I created for this scene:
I have an image rendering now which will probably be done some time tomorrow. I will post it as soon as it is noise free.
So, Pretty nice so far, but for the people, I’d add sss.