My_first_Blender_game (Beginner BGE tutorial series)

A HUGE help to someone still coming up the blender learning curve. Sooooo much 2.4x info out there and even less BGE info. (I’m not going backwards to learn 2.4x only to not need it going forward!). Thank you so much. Good teaching style. More than a “click here. do this. do that”

agoose, I’m five minutes in and I think this is brilliant.

I’m glad you appreciated the series supus71 and thanks for telling me. I wish you great luck with your projects. =P

Even though it’s not wholly my place to do so, I’m updating this page with some news:
I’ve fixed a few bugs, and added the HIVE category to the website.
It’s now high time that people start contributing to the site!
If you feel that you can help the community in any category, contact me from the website, it would be much appreciated!

I am logged in but dont know how to download startup file plz explain xD