So, ive desided to learn sculpting, and become good at it!
so here i am going to post every single sculpt, im going to make 499 shit once, followed by a single good one!
EDIT! Info, i wont just throw out horrible sculpts, im trying my best on every single one of them. and i will eventually do body, arm, leg, feet, props, cloth, etc too. but i wont stop until l ive done 499 sculpts, then i will take upon a huge project and make a really good AAA character
i think its important to remember all the mistakes you make, and i believe after 499 sculpts ill be good enough to make an actually good full character
i thought id upload all my failure in hope of inspiring new artists to keep working even though they might think their work looks terrible.
Hey! nice purpose! But you said shit sculptures, not unfinished sculptures, I don’t see the point in do shit unfinished sculptures just to do one perfect ant the 500 number, You have to aim to that perfect one for all the 500 sculptures!
I am in my sculpture number more or less 20 or so, but I try my best every time. I use proper references, I keep trying to not do shit and unfinished sculptures.
If you aim for the best every time, I think you wont need 500 to get to a good one. You have to finish one sculpture, and look at it and feel that you have done a very good one, when you look back you will see that it was just a shit sculpture, but at the time, it has to be your best.
Well that is anyhow my way, and I think the brain works best that way, but of course is not the only way.
By the way… i don’t know if you are open to critics, if not, please forgive me.
Good luck, I have my 500 bad drawings thread going in the traditional section I have been at it at over 6/7 years and I am at only 177 bad drawings. Keep it fun and like some of the guys said don’t just shit out sculptures aim to make them good or to learn something with each one you do.
Sometimes with my drawing thread I often feel like throwing in the towel but when I go through my folder of all my drawings and I see all the progress I have made at just 36% of the way through my journey it’s like jet fuel man, I get that mean look in me eyes and I want to draw.
Come on dude, like seriously WTF that’s not cool you can’t seriously be posting a link to a pirated file. I own a physical copy of that book it’s definitely still in print and still under copyright plus the book doesn’t cost that much. I love that book(definitely in my top tens of art books)
Stop been a bunch of cheap asses and support artists who put out good learning material.
i do try my best every single time… im now working on head, and will work my way to body, arm, hand, thigh, feet, leg, etc. i wont do the same over and over.
im also going to do cloths, folds, props, everything. and by the time i reach 500 i will take everything that ive learned and make one whole character and post as the result of my journey.
Well!!! that is great! I think 500 are to much, but ok, you will see when you get there, I don’t know if you want critics, or you are a solo student.
good luck!
Hey! I love the attitude and i can already see the improvements. I wish i would have gone the same route. I would probably be a much better sculpter now than i am. If i were You i would focus more on the big shapes in the beginning. I do see that Your last sculpt has a much nicer head shape than the others, but if You imagine the underlying skull it would look a bit weird. Btw. sculpting a skull is not the worst investment of time (Or You could cheat a bit: Sculpt the skull and then add the skin on top ).
The rate You are improving at, You might very well make your great sculpt after 250 (not sure though… it all depends and there are some equally tricky areas yet to come. Hands and feet e.g.).
Three things that i must mention:
Dont get into habits too early. I can see that You are sculpting the mouth the same way every time (I assume you use a crease brush crease along sideways and then reverse crease to sculpt the edges of the lips) It is not a bad technique by any means, but it might limit your perspective. I see it in my own sculpts, that people share similar features and it annoys me after a while.
Sculpt 1 is a lot better than sculpt 2 in some areas, but after that You really almost only improved (which i think is remarkable). Sometimes You need to take a step back to go two steps forward i guess, but make sure to always improve, not change. I find myself changing things a lot without a real purpose, which is a really bad habit imo.
I hate to tell You, but there are these strange things coming out of the side of peoples heads, called ears Maybe you should research that
I LOVE the approach You are taking and i am looking forward to more big improvements
If i had to guess, i probably did more than 500 really terrible sculpts in my life, but never showed them to people slowing down my improvement… So sculpt #500 for me wasn’t great either, i guess it was mediocre From the three finished projects i uploaded on this site i took away the biggest improvements. So if you get critiques on 500 works you are good to go to give a masterclass i guess
but those things that stick out on each side of the head is hard to make ive tried and failed… but fine ill include in my next sculpt, though it will probably look horrible…
Great improvement so far! To echo what @ChrisCordova said study the skull. I noticed your sculpts improved a ton after adding a neck. The one thing i see over and over is it looks like your eyes are too far forward making the face look flat. If you think of the skull underneath, you will notice they sit further back than what we imagine. That will naturally push out the brow and cheek bones and greatly improve.