Some drawings on top, there are proportions errors, but the tecnic is there. You really should use as much references as you can, and see the relations between the different parts of the face.
Tona’s markup illustrates what seems to be a significant problem – how much actual anatomy do you know? It’s not difficult to understand that people have eyes, a nose, a mouth, ears, etc., but if you don’t really know why they have the forms they do, modeling or sculpting them is hit or miss, pushing vertices around until something looks vaguely “right.” That’s not a totally invalid process but it can be much more efficient if you know more about what you’re trying to achieve visually. Studying human anatomy & proportion can really aid you in your learning efforts. It can also help you when studying real faces and bodies, because your mind will sort your observations more properly, according to the “book learning” you’ve acquired.
i know some basic anatomy but im still making a lot of misstakes, i might actually look it up and try to learn some thanks.
Disregard Tona beat me to the paintover.
Look at You! You made ears i like it
And they dont look too shabby
I think the paintover is a good starting point for sculpt #6. Just be careful with the jawline there especially close to the ear its a bit extreme. I think You improved again. The headshape seems to be more accurate than in the last one. The eyebrow area looks more like it. Special focus for the next one would be the eye area for me, simply because its very similar in #5 to #4 and with only 499 practice sculpts, You must always improve every area
(Brave shapes! Sink the eyes in more and give the eyelids some thickness) Focuspoint #2 would be the head and neck shape from the side view as shown by the paintover. How many sculpts are You going to give yourself for the head? Just curious
as always, happy blending!
wow, that is a huge step!!! Very very nice, The nose, and the lips, are getting there, the lips are a bit exaggerated and with little muscles around, but the feel is there!
The eyes, need work, you have to know that the eye have a bump in the area of the iris, so the eyelid, go forward, a bit, the superior eyelid goes more that the lower one because it covers more of the iris. Also the placement of the eye and the whit of the mouth can improve a little.
Are you aiming for realism? Because if not, you are almost there, but if you are, well… hehe you are getting better that is for sure.
There wont be a lot of sculpts the next 2 weeks, im working on a big ratchet and clank project for a school assignment. that project progress can be found here:
Shit sculpt 008/499 - hehe this was actually really fun, breaking the rules and doing whatever i want
Nice to have you back!
Always aim to find the corners in your forms, corners tell you where the plane changes are. Plus it also helps make things look more solid because you are always thinking in terms of a front, back, right side, left side, top and bottom.
If you don’t get your plane changes and proportions right then things never look “real” they always feel off.
Donald Trump…
Cheers, Clock-down-under
As you can see, doing something pretty and with aesthetic, is far more difficult than to do some creature from your imagination or from a combination of animals.
But the day you can do a beautiful female or male and hope that they exist to marry them hehe, that day you creature will be just amazing.