My road to sculpting - 499 bad sculpts and ONE good!

the day i can do a AAA worthy head in less than 4 hours is the day i will say “i know how to sculpt”. :slight_smile:

Shit sculpt 015/499 - Also here is an update on the crab dude :slight_smile:

If you can do it in a week you can say that you know how to sculpt, 4 hours is to little time to get it done.

a friend of mine made one sculpt every single day for a year, he can do a AAA worthy character in 2 days. and im aiming to do AAA head in 4 hours, not the whole character. cause the head is the hardest part :slight_smile:

You can continue to strive for accurately reproducing the human form. But there’s nothing bad or shit about that creature. I think it shows a sense a creativity and imagination. With the human form it’s something real and tangible. With enough practice, reference and observation I think it’s possible to get there. Especially if it’s something you really want.

Creativity and imagination are often set aside in favour of accurate recreation. As in, one is proper and more worthy of respect than the other. Which is not an opinion I share.

Not that there’s anything wrong with a more traditional subject matter. It’s as valid an art form to me as any other. But so too is seeing something that’s unexpected. Keep your mind open to it. I think it can feed back into everything you do, in a positive way.

I think that all depend in what you are aiming for. If you are going for realism 4 hours is not nearly enough, but maybe for other things may be doable, I don’t know.
Anyhow, good references and good observation, is key for everything you do.
If you can, see the last part of the second video of this gnomon
Is a talk with Jerad Marantz

hoy that vod seems really good! i will definitely have a look at it!

Shit sculpt 016/499


Wow, that is an impresive step forward! What happen?

Yes, like arms. Really good arms. And general posture.

i used reference for once :slight_smile:

Wow That is great!!! now we are talking business!

Shit sculpt 017/499

LOVE that attitude!!:ba::ba::ba:

Nº 017 is interesting! I see that you forget a bit to look at references, you have 2 or 3 esternocleido hehe, it is ok, but if the effort you put can be with references… well… just saying hehe

my whole goal is to do it without ref :slight_smile: learning from my misstakes

Looking at reference really was the first big step you could make. Now use reference for many more sculpts, and after another 100 or more sculpts with reference, you can try again without reference.
You’ll have to learn the shapes of the head and everything else, which you can only learn by using reference

I can understand that… I have the same dream once… then I wake up haha you can’t see your mistakes if you don’t look to references… but hey maybe you can do what I can’t!!! Keep going!!

Shit skulpt 018/499 - hehe wops, didnt mean to but ohh well it was funny non the less.

I have three challenges for you:

1.gather as many skulls as you can and do the best skull sculpture that you can with accurate form and proportions.

2.gather as many reference for the asaro or philippe faraut planes of the head model and sculpt one as accurately as you can

  1. gather as many references as you can and do quick but accurate sculpts of the mouth, nose, eyes and ears

The key thing is to do these challenges with patience and to aim do them to the best of your ability. Right now for me it feels a bit like you are shitting(the sculpts) them out