Shit skulpt 019/499 - i wont upload everything from now on, im still doing dailys every once in a while but i will only upload those who make it to z-remesh
Shit Sculpt 022/499 (no im still not using reference)
Shit Sculpt 023/499 (no im still not using reference)
how do you know then if you have the right proportions ?
nice to guess but got to be able to make a real model from pics which is more difficult I think
try to make for instance Julius Ceaser ( the pinochio of the roman empire ) and I will try to make one too LOL
happy cl
in fact there is no ârightâ or âWrongâ proportions, every aspect has a range of which is right, being why we all look different. i dont use reference yet, cause i need to get it right without reference first. i want to make characters from 2D concept art, and to do so, i wont have reference that gives me proportions.
i will attempt to sculpt Julius, with reference for once, and you do the same. Deadline on sunday night, you are to only sculpt for 1 day. pick the one that suits you the best.
I will try but not easy to get a realistic one but will see !
references are more or less real or true in any case
I like the one in asterix LOL
happy cl
Itâs a mistake not to use references. Before you can sculpt freely from your head, you have to sculpt a lot from references, study the references, see what in your models differs from the reference, try to understand anatomy, muscles, bones. Itâs a knowledge you need to learn and study, it wonât come with practice. Practice without reference will just make you repeat the same errors again and again.
How do you want to know for example where the eyeball sits in the head and how big it is, without looking it up on some cross-section or anatomical drawing? By modelling 400 eyeballs? Good luck.
Even if you want to make characters from 2D concept art, you first need to have a feeling and understanding for real anatomy, may it be human or animal.
And even if you use concept art, what forbids you to use reference sheets for elements like nose, eyes, mouth, horns, feathers or whatever is on the concept? A concept is a drawing which might be sketchy and rough, it doesnât go into the kind of detail you need on a good 3D model, it doesnât show each angle, you need imagination AND knowledge to transfer a 2D image to 3D. You might have the imagination, but the knowledge you have to learn from references, anatomical drawings etc.
You could try to sculpt a self-portrait, first do it from your imagination only (youâve seen yourself often enough ), then for a second attempt put a mirror next to your PC and sculpt while looking at yourself for reference, additionally use some photographs as well. Youâll see which model will be better, and with which you learned more.
Shit Sculpt 024/499 - I notice my 3 last posts all look simular even though they where all made separately and all started from a sphere i got to break free from that spesific style⌠quick attempt at julius, took me just over an hour.
@ania he knows. He just want to do it his way⌠I tried also. But he is comited to do it in his way, so maibe he can do it. I just watch and hope!
Take a look at the way you are sculpting your ears the all look the same and the all contain very similar errors. This is because I suspect you are not using any reference of any kind, a live model, photos, yourself etc. So every time you sculpt an ear you are sculpting a visual symbol, what your mind thinks ears look like not what the actually look like.
There is this weird art exercise that noob 2D get to do. You take a good line art drawing like this one you print it out and make a copy of the drawing the trick is in making that copy by looking at that reference upside.
When you turn that reference upside it makes it harder for your mind to recognize parts of the images as a hand, a foot an eye, an ear etc so you are forced to look at things in terms of lines, angles, proportions, shapes etc. Most noobs doing this exercise will produce a better drawing then if the did the drawing by looking at the reference the right way up because it short circuits the mind and forces them to ditch the visual symbols.
The purest visual symbols are the ones you make when you sculpt or draw without using reference and every artist no matter how experienced only has a few so every time you draw without reference you are default to like maybe the four different head shapes or eye shapes, or mouth shapes that you know.
When you are about to start a sculpt think of a direction you are heading in then put together a mood board of photos of the kind of nose you want, ears you want, the eyes you want. It doesnât matter if you are sculpting realistic stuff or cartooning you need references to understand and produce variations
One may say i went on a Creature Spree
took a break from humans, creatures are a lot more fun. all of them where made in a day each as part of a Daily Challange.
Those are some real shitty creatures! Just kidding. Last one looks pretty cool.
Oh yeah! you are really doing it! I can see how you are mastering the sculpting tools! Kep it up!!!
Fun to watch, like how good some of them look and you call it shit