Need help for probably stupid idea that has no basis to work in reality, any geniuses around?

I find this new hair system pretty good but i have a problem i want to have the hairs to start from the same vertice xyz coordinates like the vertices of the base mesh i have made. I do not want to have to manually add them in one by one and then move them individually to the xyz coordinates, if you are wondering why i want to do this it is more for a quick base to start off more different hairstyles so i can reduce time wasting :tired_face: i have tried to use chatgpt and well everytime curves are mention it is bezier not this new type of hair curve

The way i started the base mesh was to grab a few faces and hide them, extrude the vertices, scale from the center of the head mesh and subdivide until 8 vertices are there including the ones making up the face, so basically a cheap knockoff of Pinhead from HellraiserPinhead showing his menacing face now i want to copy the xyz coordinates to the hair control points so that the control points have the exact number xyz coordinates so it would be so much easier to use as a starting off point :smile:

Chatgpt has been amusing more then helpful it says you can but does not mention bezier curve only so either chatgpt is not really good :crazy_face:, blender foundation did not think about someone wanting to do this crazy idea :crazy_face: or i am extremely unlucky probably all three :crazy_face:

any help would be appreciated

Strike the “either”, and you’re there.

Have you also tried reading the manual, searching this board for similar posts, looking through Youtube to find materials that are similar in nature to the result you wish to accomplish
 or, did you just go with the idiot ChatBot that fakes knowing an answer?

Try the former. :wink:

But to the main goal you’re after, which appears (?) to be placing a spline on each of a selected point - this is relatively painless with geometry nodes.

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sorry for the late update but i have found out by myself that what i wanted was possible but i just had to extend the vertices convert the mesh to curves then hair curves.

It would never be in a youtube tutorial, no understanding of people like me who will never be professionals at this, do need a bit of hand holding to get started and through out the project. :pensive:

The manual already need at least intermediate knowledge of blender to narrow down the search but it seems more like a dictionary of terms and meanings instead of hey got a crazy idea this is how to achieve it this board well considering a few posts just seem to be How to delete inner cavities of a "MakeHuman" head? :thinking: it seems that the blender foundation tie their shoes with laces into one big knot so they walk and immediatly fall flat on their face :rofl: no ease of use only years of already struggling to use it what a high learning curve for people like me

Enough ranting well i have solved the problem but i have another problem firstly i want to export the hair to another program, why did blender not think about this i do not know, converting the hair curves to mesh only leave vertices not the thickness of the hair thanks to a helpful youtube video 1 in a billion chance i have a mesh that is exportable to obj but unfortuantly the youtube video did not go into detail about adding color either one color, gradient or 2 colors or 2 gradients if that is possible and how to reduce faces becuase the final result would be 1,305,361 vertices 2,558,448 edges and 1,253,124 faces :exploding_head:

so any help about adding color multiples and gradients and reducing vertex count would be appreciated

It would have been more helpful, if your questions were more clear. Maybe even with a picture of what you actually want to achieve.
Maybe it’s because my English is a bad, but I still don’t understand what you’re trying to do. Or what is it for? Or what solutions you already tried? Or what level of knowledge you have? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:
With this kind of hair polycount will be HUGE. How much verts are you expecting in the end?
Yes, it should be possible to add vertex color or maybe even unwrap. What kind of input you need in the engine you’re exporting it to?

Be precise in your queries and answers will be much easier to find.


i have wanted to contribute to makehuman but they like to use this

which seriously clips with any hat model

i think one day they would use meshs that would not clip with hair but i am using makehuman for a special and ambitious project while the first problem has been solved by me i need to know how to add color gradient 2 colors or more whith a resample mesh to reduce vertices i would prefer geomtry nodes but i suspect shader node as well is needed so i can save them to the asset folder and quickly just drag and drop make the project move quickly the vertice count would definitly slow down but as you can tell from the picture in the third post the youtuber did not explain enough about color or vertex reduction. I have tried to apply resample curves node to different parts of the geometry node Hair Curve To Mesh but “Evaluated geometry from modifiers do not contain curves” even if resample is put right in front of Group Input it is maddening i can apply material to a mesh but to curves forget about it, it drives you up a wall :angry: so in summary please tell me how to modifiy this Geometry node to add 1 color, or a gradient or 2 colors with a resample mesh

Here is a quick setup for a two-color gradient, using Hair Curves 

  1. It works if you add a Set Material Node to geometry nodes remember i am not a professional and i did say i will be willing to modify the geometry nodes
  2. I want to export the mesh as a obj therefore i need to export the color (remember a gradient between 2 colors or a single color as a .PNG file not rendering not material preview, a .PNG file for makehuman use not blenders own render engine
  3. when the image is rendered :neutral_face: the light touchs the mesh and the bright side is yellow and the darker side is blue, just curious what that means i thought it was going to be yellow at the root of the hair and the gradually becoming blue at the tip of the hair

well its finished now another problem another post