Need procedural shader (finger prints + scratch)


I need a shader with finger prints + scratches around highlights.
I already opened and asked for help in the dedicated category, but it’s a complex ones due to the realistic result that I need, you can have a look here:

Feel free to send me a message with your quote :wink:


Hi! I’m a generalist who loves creating procedural shaders and I was actually attempting to do this myself a few days ago. I managed to get the scratches super realistic but procedural fingerprints are really hard to do without image textures, I could give it another shot and in the meantime provide the procedural scratches I created with a few costumizations for you. Ideally I’m guessing you’d like to have them as separate node groups


Thank you for your message. In fact I have the solution, someone gave me advice so it works for me now.
In case I will have another request maybe I could ask for you if you are ok?
Thanks again


If you have this solution, this job posting is complete, so I’ll close it now :slight_smile:

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