New "Draw" functions -- Multi-value defaults

Yes much better. More caps maybe, but I’ll take what I can get.

Next tweek (as I’m avoiding the horizontal layout until I’ve had a chance to refactor a few things) is the ability to Shift+Click on a Checkbox or ImageButton such that the control will be set to it’s maximum value. The reason for this? Compare and you tell me:

Assumption: Multiple items have been selected and you want to turn the Draw Extra setting of “Axis” to “on”. At present there is a mix of object that have this so the Checkbox is in the “mixed” state.

Scenario #1 (Without Shift+Click):

  1. Click on control (Axis if OFF for all objects)
  2. Click control again (Axis is ON for all objects)

Result: It took two clicks

Scenario #2 (With Shift+Click)

  1. Shift+Click control (Axis is ON for all objects)

Result: Only one click. If you had wanted them all off then just click normally and they’d all be off. Either way it only took one click to do so (and no having to set them all one way ON or OFF just to change them all again to the desired ending state).

i like scenario #1
i prefer “multiple clicks” more than “modal-click”.
I would try to avoid modalkeys and hotkeys in script UI.
I don’t like “hidden” functionality, so i’d prefer to place global directives like “colapse all sheets” in context popup-menus (access with RMB or MMB)

good work, keep it on!
How it works with massive amount of UI elements?
Will it be suitable for displaying/editing bigger sets of informations? 1000, 10.000 items?