Good plan for an axe. Could use more work, but I’m sure you had that planned.
So like… when you complete each level, the axe gets like bigger and hits more??
Yeah that could work. Or buying a bigger axe. Or even a living axe that’s hungry for blood and grows once it gets so much. Maybe even a “powerup” idea where he finds a bigger axe, or the tools to make one.
Still not sure what you’re after. Straight blood and gore, or something parents are actually going to let their kids play?
Well, this game would probabaly be more for older people (not like adults but like older tens) and i dont want straight out blood and gore because there are too many games like that already. I like all your ideas with the weapon, but im not sure which one would work the best. How would i do the idea with the axe needing blood to grow??
Well, it would need to be some kind of legendary artifact. (Probably passed down through the family, or maybe he found it in some remote cave.)
For the logistics, I would think just tracking how much damage it does and once it reaches a certain level, it grows. (Similar to experience in a more “traditional” RPG)
Maybe adding some special abilities that you could spend some of those points on, but that would be more difficult to program.
By the way, you’re welcome. I love a good story, and if I get to tell it, so much the more fun!
EDIT: Axe is looking good. Can you do UV drawing? (An engraving would add lots of effect)
Hmm, i like it. like its been locked in a chest for like a squillion years (maybe more like 2 centuries or so) and then when you have to go to war or just feel like goin to kill some elves, you take it out. And like an expirience bar, except when its full, you dont go up a level, your axe does. and we might possibly be able to double team a more complex experience point system??
Thanks heaps, i also have to learn even the basics of python, i havent gotten around to it yet. If this game works out, itll be awesum =). thanks for all your help so far. im done for now, my head is bubbling with ideas, so ill catch ya later. i probably wont post anything tomorow but if you have any ideas, please share them =).
Well, I’ve worked on the “Figure out Python” on my todo list, and I think an experience system would be easy to build for the axe. I think I might help you until my other project picks up a bit more steam.
I think just experience and levels for the axe would be best. I would have a different axe model/texture for each level. Like a bigger nastier axe each level up
And with each level up the axe would get stronger and add one more attack to an attack combo. Also, maybe a new ability or skill
You could also play with having the experience go down if you don’t kill people for a certain amount of time ;). This way the axe could go down in level if the player doesn’t keep up with his bashings :evilgrin:
By the way, is there any way for the logistics to be like… everytime your experience bar gets filled, then a certain property adds 1, any when it equals 1,2,3 etc it changes the mesh to bigger axe??
You should have started out with a cylinder for the arms and the legs. Then subsurf and sculpt. That would make the legs and the arms look less squarish. Btw it looks cool, is it gonna be a adventure action game like Spyro Crash Crock etc.
Well, I got to thinking: elves are quite well known for their skill with arrows.
And I thought, he’s going to need a shield.
So I had a wizard friend make a shield.
Here it is.
Let me know what you think, and if you need it customized, I’m sure he’ll do that as well.
You can change it however you like, too.
To go along with the whole goblin thing… the axe should be over sized and kinda hewn together, like it was made of separate pieces.
Most of their weapons are gnarly and gruesome.
In fact that’s a neat story element. you could have it so the goblin starts with a little worthless axe, and as he goes along he finds better parts that make the axe better and better. the actual ax can change based on what parts you put on it. maybe find a magical piece of some other broken weapon that add fire element to the axe or something.
That couples with a weapon skill (the levels thing by moguri) then your cooking with something better than spam!
Oh, and about that shield. If you plan to use Set Smooth on it, it will need a lot of work first. (The mesh is a little screwy)
Personally, I thought it looked better as solid anyway.
Also, it would probably be best to start thinking of another place to discuss this game instead of two people going back and forth for pages. I recommend an irc channel or instant messaging.