New icons for Blender 2.8

I was thinking the exact same thing. It takes me a longer time to decipher what each icon is without color compared to 2.79. These icons need color as without it, I have to scan each icon to find what I want.

With others, they sit alone and I know what they are spatially, but with many icons together, color is important to help distinguish them.

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Having started a more serious project than just doodling around recently i am getting more and more familiar with the new icons. Makes me wanna work in Blender even more than before. Eager to see what the vertical tabs will look like in use.


Great to hear about custom icon sets, that way everyone can be happy and replace any icons they may be confused about!

Categories also sound great, and hopefully some color masks for multi-color icons like this suggestion in the devtalks would be amazing to have in the future:

Iā€™m guessing weā€™re talking about 2.9 now, thoughā€¦ :slight_smile:


Bad news for us :frowning:


Regression man, regression. :v:

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Did you try it ? I think it makes it faster actually, as the properties editor has usually a column shape, itā€™s easier and faster to go on the sides with your mouse rather than all the way to the top :slight_smile:

No, itā€™s not in the buildbot yet. Also Iā€™m used to it in c4d, but I still found that switching to horizontal is more effective.
They could give us that option, otherwise itā€™s just limiting the customization in blender, imo.

I like the coloured icons, they are better to see and doesnā€˜t depress the user.


Itā€™s true! Since these new icons came into my life, Iā€™ve found myself entertaining darker thoughts. I was THIS CLOSE to pouring sugar into some random strangerā€™s gas tank the other day.

We might need to consider the societal implications of monochromatic iconography. It could very easily become the next D&D if weā€™re not careful.


Vertical tabs for properties editor have been added by Julian Eisel, so it should be in the buildbot tomorrow :slight_smile:


@jendrzych Hey, could I get you to un-delete the decorator locks? I seem to be getting some errors when updating because of this. Thanks mate

i just recompiled blender and they are now committed, man it gives me uncomfortable feeling since i used to horizontal layout, definitely they should be an option otherwise iā€™ll go nuts.


You ask - You get.

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That will be optional right?

I hope to see an option to set header height / icon size

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This is still ongoing. The internals are relatively easy - itā€™s the storing of image data in the ThemeUI RNA/DNA that is the sticking point. No tutorials on how to extend that in C (plenty for Python level changes, but thatā€™s not going to work for this).

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That is great. I hate making noise to this big conversation Iā€™m glad I had possibly something helpful

Not sure why youā€™d need to save image data in DNA? I donā€™t think the image(s) should be part of the userpref.blend. So why donā€™t you just reference them by (relative) file path in DNA/RNA? The default icons should probably still be the fallback though.

Because as soon as we add that to the mix - we add external complexity to loading/saving themes that didnā€™t before.

As of right now, the theme you start with is stored inside the startup.blend file. If I want to save the theme, I can export a single XML file with the details. If I want to load a custom theme, I simply import that single XML file. As soon as we add another file to the mix, weā€™re guaranteeing that people will miss that image file (or not know where to get it, or name it incorrectly, etc).

What we have now is simple - theme is stored in startup.blend (no externalities), and can be saved/loaded with one file. Iā€™d very much prefer that we keep it that simple.

@BTolputt, Iā€™m not sure if you know new devtalk official forum, just in case you are interested in getting feedback from more developers.

Can I suggest this small edit for the toolbar and sidebar icons so that they correspond to where they function on screen.


the properties tabs icons need to be either scaled up a bit or their area region sized down(i prefer this one), they donā€™t look compacted like the old onesā€¦it feels like you are using Photoshop tools instead of blenderā€™s properties, their vertical alignment needs to get used to though.