New icons for Blender 2.8

I found a study from ~2013.

Changing the floppy disk icon doesn’t seem to be solving a problem anyone has to me.


That is actually a common icon for “download.” Has been for a very long time.

Just do a google image search for “download icon”:

Now in the context of a “web application” that can easily mean “save” -as in locally- because in a web app that can literally mean “download.”


Oh please… not this tired card again. None of the arguments had anything to do with this which you’d know if you’d actually bothered to read them.

If your definition of innovation is flushing standards down the toilet without valid reason or superior replacement, then yeah, Blender’s really leading the charge on this urgent Save Icon issue. :roll_eyes:

This is actually a simplified version of an icon that depicted placing paper files in to a physical inbox that people used to keep on their desks back in the horrible dark ages. Since saving in Blender does not generate paper files to be placed in boxes on people’s desk, this icon is incorrect and cannot be used. :laughing:


Alright, Jendrzych can you make a version of blender with the save icon removed? Seems like he wants a blank nothing as a save icon.

In all seriousness though, this is turning into trolling. The save icon really does not matter. Its not in the way or anything. I’ve used blender for 6 years and i didnt even know we had an icon for saving.


I somehow understand @William’s opinion. Being a die-heart fan of the Floppy the Save icon, I’m as well a designer who realizes, that only cows do not change their minds and a really good design needs a lot of work and assessment from many points of view. I’ll further investigate the Save icon design, partly because it’s an iteresting case, generating much controversy. A real quest for a designer. Problem of choosing the right icon for the Save function has been known for years and is not resolved yet. Stay tuned and enjoy the Floppie - it passes so fast!

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I was joking, not trolling …
and then I thought it was fun to play a word game with Christmas …
the icon of salvation is blessed …
and yes, we are staring for a banality

No. This is a download icon. Immediately recognized and widely used.

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It’s not your job to reinvent the wheel. Don’t try to fix something that isn’t broken. Whatever symbol you come up with for save, it could not be as clear as the floppy due to its universal acceptance. Better focus on those blender-specific icons that lack a universally accepted symbol.

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My job?! I actually live from reinventing the wheel.


Haha, I meant in this particular icon’s case. :wink:

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It would be really “fun” if every application used different icons for find, cut, or save.
After all, magnifying glass, scissors and floppy disk are so old fashioned.

But on a more serious note, as jendrzych mentioned, the floppy disk has a distinct shape that works as a small icon. What other type of storage would be better? SSD? But what type of SSD: sata, nvme, pcie? Are we supposed to change symbolic icons each time there’s a change in storage tech?

I am inclined to the opinion that this is not about technology, but rather about the choice of a symbol that illustrates the pure idea of saving, the way it’s seen nowadays, but open for future changes in software development. A depiction that will embrace the trends that @William said about. I have some concepts. Will make sketches after the holidays.


Question: does the current UI setup supports 2 or 4 “icon slots” linked together to make a larger icon?

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what I found doing a search on save icons associated with blender !!!

after finding this,
I propose a floppy icon with a tick inside


(for lovers of history and archeology)
I am a curious man, and after reading the article on Blender’s prehistory - Traces on Commodore Amiga (1987-1991)
I continued the research and I found this: NeoGeo : DEMO ( 1990 ) (read the description of the video on youtube who are the authors) :grin::grin:


That would be “write file data”

well this is another over generalization I save files from time to time to floppys
(yes blender files)
(yes real floppys)

This madness is going too far tbh.

@jendrzych If the universal standard icon for save is not going to be accepted, please do us a favor and don’t do anything else to replace this. It’s better go blank then, otherwise blender will look like a toy with those crazy non-standard icons.

This is insane.


One thing that comes to mind is this.

How should the standards be defined? Should the standards be something that remains static over many decades or should they be allowed to evolve and change over time (as long as it’s to something better and/or more relevant)?

Imagine the time when it commonplace to don a VR helmet and it becomes commonplace to create in a world similar to The Matrix. Should all of the standards then be such a constant that even decades from now, the standard for saving remains a manual process with a floppy disk icon, even though those things are now only found in history museums?

It would be interesting to get an answer, because some do give the impression that software evolution in many areas is actually a bad thing and that decades-old workflows (which is the standard now) should still be emphasized and never touched (which likewise puts the brakes on innovation and ensures that better workflow systems never get developed). It should also be emphasized that while I do agree that some change should not happen, we must take note that the resistance to any kind of key changes in software is in part not because said changes will not improve things like the speed of content creation, but because of human nature itself (which the Blender developers fought during 2.5x and are again doing now).


As a mental exercise I’m trying to think of what a simplified/stylized icon representing an SSD would look like and the best I can come up with is an empty rectangle, which is a little vague.

Don’t waste brain power.

Where’s the save?


If the floppy was there you wouldn’t have problems.