New status bar

yeah those look fantastic but considering the diversity of tool fields I never assumed this really will be helpful which is why I dont mind the current F6 RedoLast UI.

I would be good with it if you can move it around instead of being fixed to the lower left corner.

I am very confused. It feels like itā€™s lacking a coherent vision. Hiding status bar is not a solution since it contains some important info, such as scene statistics. I liked the idea of one status bar. It makes no sense to have a global one and local, per editor ones at the same time. Itā€™s way too much clutter. Furthermore, now there is duplicate information shown on two different places of the screen. Just completely ditch the per editor status bars, and use the global one for everything, depending on the context of actionā€¦



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I think developers are playing with many thinga right now and they are checking what is the best solution and what people like most. Thatā€™s why there are some things duplicated etc. :slight_smile: Still, itā€™s pre alpha so it is time for such things IMHO.

There is just one status bar, at the very bottom of the window

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CThanks for the reminder. Iā€™m really just voicing my opinion on how I feel about things. Sometimes itā€™s not clear if a new idea is a replacement for an older idea or if they just havenā€™t gotten to it yet. Thatā€™s all.


No news if it will be changed?
If you shrink the viewport you can clearly see that those infos are displaying in the wrong place, as they get cropped easily while the true status bar is always availableā€¦ :frowning:

IMO they should stay in the 3dview because those are imprtant information.
And the status bar can be hidden so people will not see the modals options.

This destroys the designā€¦ Cuz thatā€™s the exact purpose of status barsā€¦ Split infromation is never goodā€¦
But to each their own, I canā€™t stand unorganizationā€¦ :wink:

The issue with the status bar is that itā€™s at the bottom of the UI and you need information about the tool near the tool.
How many people donā€™t know about modals keys?

In other 3d softwares the status bar displays everything, and I never got any issues with that. Canā€™t understand the complaintsā€¦

I probably in the minority here but is there a way to turn of the tool info bar because it seriously affecting my visual comfort. when it was at the bottom it was in my peripheral vision so the way it constantly flashes on and off did really bother me because my brain sort of dealt with it something that was moving but worth ignoring.

But when itā€™s at the top I just notice it all the time because it is in my acute vision that constant flashing in and out when you are using a tool and it just drives me nuts.

It this point I kind of just given up on playing around with 2.8.

Iā€™m afraid no.
That info just needs to go back down where it belongs, in the status bar ofcā€¦ :no_mouth:

Various items on the status bar will no longer display if theyā€™re not being used.

It seems like the message was cut off in the first commit, but the .diff output is different.

The header thing is kind of jarring at the moment. But I donā€™t see much room to put it on the statusbar given the amount of options some tools have.

They wouldnā€™t display at same time ofcā€¦ Those tool options should display when the tool is active, and those realtime numbers should appear when the tool is in action. Thatā€™s how it works everywhereā€¦

Well, at least the way Blender currently works, almost all of those options only become available when it is in action.

Hence the struggling.
Sometimes following the standards make things a lot easierā€¦

I like the idea on this task where they just draw the number in the viewport. Not sure if that is still planned or not.

I guess the main reason they donā€™t put it on the statusbar is because the Spring team found it annoying due to using cartoonishly big monitors:

Those monitors would be awesome to have actually if you can afford them, because of how they can potentially replace a multi-monitor setup entirely (it would definitely be less of a hassle).