NEW!! ( Super Blender Galaxy ) project announcment/ updates

@mstuff i definitely will tone the opacity. but i was thinking of making a level where its part of the puzzle or what not. as far as bluring it maybe, it depends. starting to dip below 60 now. i plan on fixing all this before i move on more. just puff fx for now.

@Yarbrough like a few puff when he starts running, and small ones when he stops. and a circular poof when u jump and land. add a few for to stomps. thats all next. trust me u guys will like it. u havent seen nothing yet.

a friend said i needed birds lol. i planned to but here is a pic.

So with the help of HG1 i was able to get geometry shaders into the game. here is an example of birds using this shader. Hopefully i dont get to distracted with this, because it was something i had been intrested in for a while. this would only make this game closer to what i imagine. I need some cool grass effects and other things. My plan is to showoff blender the best i can.

the birds go from a pecking animation on the ground and when disturbed they go to a tree find algo and when u get close to them they spook from tree to tree. they fly like a flock using 3 point interpolation algo. all birds have thier own points so it looks cool. looks very random and flock like. they also point in the directon of the curve.

also got lucky the geo shader objs cast shadows so i had to keep it. hopefully it stys

Will you add some sort of “softening” or give the shadows just a bit of light? The shadows under the trees look like black holes when compared to the shader you are using that brightens the edges.

yeah i have to agree with Thatimster the shadows are kind of strange and unrealistic ): and there are way to much birds in this scene but thats probably just for testing. your game is great hope you will finish it. good luck!

@Thatimster yea i will soften them, but i wont blur the real shadows, but just lighten them up.
@ lioKon all the birds is for testing, and i got excited and put them in. more testing. but good news i now have geoshaders in my game.

Looks great, I’m glad you got the geometry shades going…

i found this link
here’s contains the mushroom kingdom and peach castle from SMG, isle Delfino Plaza and Bianco hills.
But these models were in .b3d…
Sorry my english.

Can’t wat to play it when it comes out :smiley:

if anyone is intrested i need someone serious to help me start testing. Someone who understands python a little, and has some experience. also u need a controller for this game, and a better than average computer. i hope to hear from someone soon.

I have a xbox controller, and a alienware alpha to test it,
if you would like.

@BluePrintRandom I tried to contact u but i am not getting a response.

I still need someone plz. someone serious. plz If anyone who wants to help contact me. I’m off today and it would be nice to get something done. I havent worked on the game because of this. I need these tests to move forward.

Sorry bro, can’t help with testing. I’m just one of those that wanted to tell you never stop doing what you do. Definitely am going to follow you on this project. Totally inspiring dedication. :yes:

@cassandroid thanks and i plan on fixing what i have a little more. I’m dipping into the 30 fps range and i wanted to do some tests. to see if anyone else gets a solid 60. My python files have 0 errors so thats where i’m at. I plan to keep at it though.

I find it a little discouraging that not a single person is up for it in a serious way. Ud think people would be overwhelming me with msgs to join but thats not the case.

Don’t be discouraged, cuervo! The work you’ve already put in, and the dedication of course, is rather admirable, in my opinion!
Your game is shaping to be an awesome one; it looks great, has a nice base, and its coming along at a steady pace.
I’ve been watching your game progress, and I always like what I see! :slight_smile:
Sadly, I cannot help in the testing as I know I will be unable to take that seriously enough to give consistent feedback.
I’m not sure if this is a good suggestion, but have you tried reaching out to other communities? I don’t know much of such things, but I do know that there is always going to be someone out there in the world that will truly want to help.
Hopefully everything goes well! :wink:

I have wanted to help, but have had very little time lately for my obligations,

I am busy like 12 hours a day, and have not been sleeping due to my own game development.

@blueprintRandom i so understand. I loose a lot of sleep and most of my mental concentration revolves around this project. I tend to ramble ideas to people to couldnt give two shits about what i’m talking about, but i do tend to get them interested. N i’ve got a few people into programing, but organizing them is rather impossible.

@everyone I guess my passion is noticeable to myself, and i admire that about myself. I’ve grown to push myself and find satisfaction from this void of encouragement. This gives a greater value of self worth in the end that is without words. However Raven IIC boosts my ego, drive to another level. Thanks I’m glad u noticed, for everyone being part of the game. (in anyway u can). Its my #1 goal to woe everyone. thanks n have patience it will be worth it

comitted testers still wanted

I have an average pc I can do some testing but I don’t have a controller

@blenderjunkie As of now my file only supports joystick movement. There is a function for keyboard controls, but as of now all the states of mario need to be added, therefore the keys are absent . I first wanted to see if what i have is going in the right direction to move forward on a keyed controller scheme.

and from my experience obtaining a controller so opened up what i can do with a character. wait to u see what one stick does in the mario file.