New to blender, what is there in the way of automation?

I was able to add an armature to my model, I leaded how to rig and set the bones. I was wondering if there is anything like character studio and other tools to assist.

I was going to look up how to attach mesh to bones and then start animating with key frames but I’d hate to do that and then find out there is a better way

Maya and 3dmax both have character animation add-ins but they are a bit more “costly” :slight_smile: So it its not available in blender I get it.But best to ask first.

It’s been awhile since I used character studio, but - what specific features of CS are you referring to? The “auto generate walk cycle”, crowds, other?

yeah, just doing things that are so common there is no reason to do it. IMO, not that it means much :P… but I think something like walk animation should be a feature not a task. Also in Maya I could make a biped and move the hip, and all the bones just knew what to do before I made any of my own constraints. It was like a ragdoll all ready done out of the box. Blender kinda does this with joint but its like only two bones that follow, I’;d expect if I picked up a cat armature by the tail, all the bones would reacts correct or similarly to the real thing. Not that picking up a cat by its tail is going to end well. Anything like this?

I think this may be helpful for me.

It is far better to watch any of the hundred videos on YouTube on how to Rig and animate your character as it will benefit you in the long run, especially when delving into physics and cloth simulations!

But yeah there are times you just need a rig and don’t want to take the time or don’t have the time to DIY…

2 things come to mind…

  1. Get a free account on Mixamo, and you can add a rig and animations quickly!
  2. Actorcore Acurig is another thing to use but is way beyond Miximo, though it uses the same type of UI.

thx I like Mixamo but its all characters, no animals.

Though not free you might want to look at Auto-Rig Pro, it does have animal rigs…

But you have to realize that all these things have to do with the rig and not actual animations, so no matter the addon you will still have to animate them yourself…

There are Mocap add-ons and Mocap repositories with thousands of files, things like Rokoko to help transfer pre-existing animations to what-ever rig you use…free rigs by the hundreds as well as characters and animals rigged and not… you will need to just search the web to find all this…