[NEWS] Project Harmony - Better Dynamic Shadows for BGE is coming!

Is there any news on when this awesome stuf will be included in the official releases? I looks like it hasn’t been integrated into 2.62 so far.

I think it missed 2.62, but should be on track for inclusion into 2.63. I’m not sure of the release date for it, but it shouldn’t be much longer, if I’m right.

Harmony not to be in 2.63!!!
Why bge is always left behind?

it is probably for stability reasons,… so we can wait a bit right?

It might…also what happened with Geometry Shaders, by Moguri? Been in works for a while…

I don’t think that’s set in stone quite yet, the review process for BGE-harmony is still ongoing as seen here

Most of the changes suggested by Brecht has already been done and Moguri just needed to know how to go about doing the remaining points in which Brecht has responded.

Above all, Brecht’s reviewing may end up leading to higher quality code for the BGE in the future because he’s been giving some pointers on high quality code that Moguri may not have known before.

Well yeah, i still going on which is amazingly great! Hmm, seen FBO around there? Is the FBO i know (frame buffer object) ?
If so that means faster 2D ffilters but i doubt they already implemented it.

The review is still ongoing, its just that Moguri is currently seeking a little advise from Brecht when it comes to a situation he has run into with the lamp code.

Any updates?

As of today, some code cleanup, renaming, and general quality improvements (so as that the code will work better with other features among other things)

First, thanks Kupoman and Moguri for the great work! Keep it up!

And, what about alpha shadows? We already had a patch that implemented this, but it wasnt trunked =/

YES! No more boxy like edges to the BGE shadows.

I dont think that patch can work with what Stokes did,it was resource hungry, so it was impossible to have it in a game. Maybe they will implement also alpha shadows, but what we really want them to focus on is the Inferred Rendering.

Alpha shadows would be so cool :smiley:
BTW, what’s the difference between inferred and deferred rendering?

Deferred shading involves one render pass. First it gathers information about the geometry and stores them in to around 4 screen sized textures. Then it uses this data to handle lighting in screen space by compositing the lights with the geometry data.

Inferred lighting (sometimes known as deferred lighting, or light prepass rendering) involves two render passes. It also has a geometry pass, but it requires a lot less data and usually uses 1 to 2 screen sized textures. It then uses this data to create a screen space light map that essentially stores the result of the lambert term (N dot L). It uses this map in a second render pass to handle lighting, in which any other geometry data can be used. This makes it much more flexible than deferred shading, but it is a little slower because it requires the geometry to be rendered twice.

Inferred lighting is more flexible, deferred shading is a little faster. Both do screen space lighting.

Now for some Harmony news. The developers want to focus on making 2.63 a bmesh release, which means they are hesitant to include something larger like Harmony. So instead we are looking into creating a staging branch for 2.64 with all of these BGE goodies that have been floating around to ensure they can all go in quickly and smoothly to 2.64 (Harmony, Cucumber, and whatever else we can find). This is still an idea, and has not yet been confirmed/approved.

If you have any BGE patches floating around, now is a good time to start cleaning them up :wink:

try that alpha-shadows patch pleeaseee -

that sounds good! 2.64 is not to far away, and it would be really awesome to have all those goodies in the bge!
Wish you luck with your progress!

Great! 2.64 should do it!
Good luck!

2.64 sounds great, sooner than I expected too. Really excited for this update, BGE needs it, and I look forward to running some comparisons with the older (current) game engine.

Really happy to hear that Brecht has been looking over things as well.

Does anyone have an idea on whats going on with BGE Shaders (done by Moguri)