
Modeling & Rendering: GooEngine, Psoft Pencil | Compositing: Photoshop

I spend nearly all my time in Blender creating various assets for a longer-term passion project, but as 2024 came upon us I decided that I should create at least one finished piece this year. As it’s only February, I suppose it happened faster than I expected…

I had 3 ideas in mind, and this was the one I decided to go with. The final looks quite different than the initial concept; getting the blocking and framing down took most of the time. My first quick attempt was to paint/create the room in Photoshop as a still image, but ultimately I abandoned that approach and built it in Blender.

I initially lit the scene rather basically (sort of a 3 point arrangement), but found it wasn’t giving me what I wanted. I decided breaking the rules of physics was a good solution, so made major use of Light Groups to get the result I wanted. The hair, body, shirt, and room are all lit independently.

The girl, wall/window, and city were each rendered as separate layers, then combined in Photoshop for some final tweaking and polish. I lost count of how many test comps I did along the way, but major thanks to @joseph for his awesome feedback on my nearly-endless DMs of “yet another update.” :wink:

Normally one might share some wireframes and technical details, but I’ve kept a running diary of that in my sketchbook - so, take a look if you’re interested.


Really nice work, great atmosphere and composition :slight_smile:

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