Did you ever want to share your nodes across all blender files, and feel it is messy to do this in a right way, here is why Node Kit comes in.
Node Kit is a convenient way to manage your nodes in Blender. You can easily save your nodes in a global preset, and then restore it to any object later on even in another blend file opening. You can also export all of your presets into a file and then import this file to another blender running in your other computers. Node Kit will save you a lot of time managing nodes.
Loaded nodes are following mouse cursor
This add-on is available on Gumroad and Blender Market:
- Save current nodes into a global preset which can be used in any other opening blend file
- Restore any saved global preset into objects
- Export presets into a file
- Import preset from exported file
- Remove preset
- Rename preset
- Organize presets in folders
- Save selected nodes
- Works with Blender 2.80 and above
- Support animation nodes
- Support Geometry Nodes (New!)
How to for animation nodes:
Install the animation nodes add-on from here, https://animation-nodes.com/#download , currently I just testes with the latest version which is v2.2 Blender 3.0.0.
Version 1.9.0:
- Fixed cannot add socket to built-in node error for geometry nodes
Version 1.8.0:
- Fixed cannot add socket to built-in node errors in latest Blender
Version 1.5.3:
- Fixed loaded node groups not sharing the same instance even they have the same node group names in presets
Version 1.5.2:
- Fixed presets list are wrong in folder after sorting folder by names
Version 1.5.1:
- Sort folders by name
Version 1.5.0:
- Save and load Text object in presets for nodes
Version 1.4.9:
- Shader Nodes now also supports curve object
Version 1.4.8:
- Fixed path can not be changed if there is no
folder in old path
Version 1.4.7:
- Fixed not be able to load presets for Volume object
Version 1.4.6:
- Fixed loading geometry nodes exception due to socket default value not correct
Version 1.4.5:
- Fixed loading error for geometry nodes dued to material not exist in blend file
Version 1.4.3:
- Fixed Ctrl+A conflicts with unused Pie menu shortcut
Version 1.4.2:
- Fixed reoute node not work for Animation Nodes
- Fixed reroute in Frame position is wrong for Animation Nodes
Version 1.4.1:
- Fixed preview not show in Blender 3.0.0
Version 1.4.0:
- Fixed geometry nodes not supported for Blender 3.0
- Don’t copy NodeKit_Library if it exists in new path while custom nodes path
Version 1.3.15:
- Fixed migrate presets error
Version 1.3.14:
- Fixed error on starup for Blender 3.0.0 Beta
Version 1.3.12:
- Fixed error due to not handle NodeSocketFloatDistance socket type
Version 1.3.11:
- Remove node_kit_default_json after successfully migration
- Make sorting work well agian after the new update
Version 1.3.10:
- Fixed presets conflict by not using presets_list.json in folder
Version 1.3.8:
- Fixed world shader nodes can not be loaded due to selected object type
Version 1.3.7:
- Fixed not be able to load preset for Metaball
Version 1.3.6:
- Fixed not be able to save nodes/node group in another node group
Version 1.3.5:
- Save mute attribute for all nodes
Version 1.3.4:
- Load preset in correct level of node tree including any levels of node groups
Version 1.3.3:
- Fixed socket types are not the same between old version and 3.0 blenders which cause errors
- Fixed move preset bug
- Make Node Kit compatible with Pie Menu Editor
Version 1.3.2:
- Fixed early blender (2.83 to 2.90) NodeSocketInterface*** type not defined error
- Save/load texture images for texture node
- Fixed key error: ‘image_filename’
- Texture will always loaded even if there is image with the same name in blend file
- Fixed error while loading old texture nodes
- Loaded nodes can move with mouse, left click to end moving
- Add a button to load preset into node group
Version 1.3.1:
- Add ability to load preset into node group
- Fixed error while there is no folders or no preset in a folder
- Fixed remove folder not actually remove folder
- Fixed rename Folder not actually rename folder
Version 1.3.0:
- Use NodeKit_Library folder in home directory to organize presets instead of node_kit_default_json
- Add ability to add/remove preview image for selected preset
Version 1.2.4:
- Fixed node groups’s input socket hide value not saving and loading correctly
Version 1.2.3:
- Fixed error while importing some types for Blender version before 2.93
Version 1.2.2:
- Fixed error while loading old presets which did not save default value of inputs for node group
Version 1.2.1:
- Fixed node groups’s default value of inputs not saved
Version 1.2.0:
- Support Geometry Nodes
Version 1.1.14:
- Fixed input sockets not hidden for nodes if hidden is true
Version 1.1.13:
- Fixed socket names reset to default for group output nodes
- Fixed switch node label resets to default on preset load
- Fixed import animation node error
- Fixed: Node object don’t have int attribute for legacy nodes
- Fixed: Node position not correct while it’s in a frame
- Fixed int, string, group attribute not in Node error
Version 1.1.12:
- Fixed Switch Node input sockets not connected error for Animation Node
Version 1.1.11:
- Show warning before clear and load preset
Version 1.1.10:
- Fixed: Loop subprograms don’t load properly if there are any iterator in inputs
- Fixed: Load selected invoke subprogram nodes not link subprograms properly
- Fixed: Nested subprogram nodes not load it properly
- Fixed: Update preset error
- Fixed: Nodes unparented from frame while loading presets in Animation Node
- Fixed: Nodes unparented from frame while loading presets in shader nodes
Version 1.1.9:
- Fix: Some sockets types not handle correctly for Animation Node
Version 1.1.8:
- Fix: Identifier exists twice error for Animation Node
- Fix: Invoke subprogram node links broken and subprogram not set correctly for Animation Node
Version 1.1.7:
- Fix: A error while loading presets in animation nodes editor
Version 1.1.6:
- Load nodes preset at the location of view center in node editor
Version 1.1.5:
- Fix: color space name not saved for image texture node after restart Blender
Version 1.1.4:
- Fix: Function name may complict with other addons
Version 1.1.3:
- Add on preference option to rename add-on tab name in N panel
Version 1.1.2:
- Fix: error while setting outputs sockets default value
Version 1.1.1:
- Fix: A edge case not to load curve points correctly while saved curve points is less than the default points in some curves
Version 1.1.0:
- Fix: Sockets connections broken while there are same socket names in input/output sockets of the same node
- Update CurveMapping after setting its value
- Fix: Curve points not correct for RGB Curves node and Hue Correct node
- Correctly handle
attribute for RGB Curves for 2.82
Version 1.0.9:
- Fix: A error while export from blender 2.8 and import to blender 2.81 and 2.82
Version 1.0.8:
- Keep presets after reinstall/re-enable Node Kit
Version 1.0.7:
- Redraw Panel after importing presets
- Remove deleted preset from 10 last used presets and 10 most used presets
Version 1.0.6:
- Align buttons for import/export
- Make import/export buttons text shorter
Version 1.0.5:
- Align buttons
Version 1.0.4:
- Fix: RGB Curve info not stored
- Remove the word
from buttons
Version 1.0.3:
- Fix: Name error while loading presets
Version 1.0.2:
- Fix: Name Error while loading presets
- Add 3 types of import :
Import & Append
,Import & Replace
andClear & Import
- Also export and import 10 last presets
Version 1.0.1:
- UI optimization: Change all
words toLoad
words - UI optimization: Add a proper icon to long text buttons for better distinguishing
- Fix: Error while moving preset and if no preset is selected
- Move all folder management buttons into a popup menu
- Fix: No presets selected error for
Clear Nodes And Load Preset
andLoad Selected Preset
- Show 10 last used presets
- Show 10 most used presets
Version 1.0.0:
- Support animation nodes
Version 0.1.9:
- Be able to save only selected nodes
Version 0.1.8:
- Fix: Restore preset error for lamp
Version 0.1.7:
- Now Correctly handle Color Ramp node with it’s attributes
- Node Kit works for lamps as well as meshes
Version 0.1.6:
- Fix: Compositor Output File node’s input error
Version 0.1.5:
- Confirmed before remove folder, update preset, and remove preset
- Be able to reorder presets
Version 0.1.4:
- Add a button to update selected preset
- Manage presets with folders structures
- New export and import for new structure of presets
Version 0.1.3:
- Restore preset to the correct node editor while using multi node editor
- Add two kinds of restore button, one for clear and restore, one for append preset
- Handle image path does not exist exception
- Trace min value and max value of inputs
- Fix: Script node inputs error
- Fix: Value node default value reset to 0.5
Version 0.1.2:
- Fix: Image attributes name error
Version 0.1.1:
- Restore and render images in nodes
Version 0.1.0:
- Don’t clear nodes and links while restore presets
- Some minor bug fixes
Version 0.0.9:
- Support compositor node group
- Minor bugs fixes
Version 0.0.8:
- Save and restore minimized nodes
- Save and restore label and color of nodes
- Support Frame Node
- Fixed: Export and import minor bugs
Version 0.0.7:
- Support shader node group
Version 0.0.6:
- Support world shader nodes
Version 0.0.5:
- Fixed: All reroute nodes stick together
Version 0.0.4:
- Fixed: A type error while restore presets
Version 0.0.3:
- Don’t check active object for Compositor Editor while restore presets
Version 0.0.2:
- Support both Compositor nodes and Shader nodes
Version 0.0.1:
- Initial release
Development Plan:
- ✓ Support Geometry Nodes (Done)
- ✓ Support Compositor Node (Done)
- ✓ Support Shader Node Group (Done)
- ✓ Support Compositor Node Group (Done)
- ✓ Support world shader nodes (Done)
- ✓ Support Animation Nodes (Done)
- ✓ Save selected nodes/node groups as preset (Done)
- ✓ Be able to organize presets in folders (Done)
- ✓ Keep nodes in the scene while restore presets (Done)
- Support more node types reported by users
- This will be a long term development path
- Please report your nodes type which are not supported yet, I will make them work as soon as possible if it’s doable
- And more features