If there is an imageTexture node in shader and no image is loaded in blender, an empty node is created
Yes, This is very difficult to load image automatically, due to not have a Python API to do that.
When loading a compositenode preset into an empty scene, the first error will occur.
Can you upload the blend file so that I can reproduce this error?
I think there must at least one scene active to restore the node tree to it. it seems this error shows there is no active scene at the moment.
It seems that complex nodes can not be reproduced well.
Please check if you can reproduce the node of this site.
Yep, right now complex nodes (a.k.a node groups) is not supported, but they will be supported in the up coming updates.
There are two kinds of complex nodes in Shader Editor and Compositor Editor, there are:
Shader Node Group
Compositor Node Group
Also check out the Development Plan, they are listed in there
Just bought this and I was wondering if you have plans on adding an update/re-save preset button so you don’t have to create a new preset in order to re-save.
Also, it seems with node groups it gives an error from missing data blocks. Oh! I am now reading you mentioned is not supported yet but it will. Good to hear.
I am getting this error when recalling a preset which is not a node group.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “C:\Users\Username\AppData\Roaming\Blender Foundation\Blender\2.80\scripts\addons\Node Kit\core.py”, line 607, in execute
dict_to_nodes(nodes_dict[“nodes_list”], node_tree)
File “C:\Users\Username\AppData\Roaming\Blender Foundation\Blender\2.80\scripts\addons\Node Kit\core.py”, line 516, in dict_to_nodes
input_dict_to_socket_value(inputs[index], input_dict)
File “C:\Users\Username\AppData\Roaming\Blender Foundation\Blender\2.80\scripts\addons\Node Kit\core.py”, line 168, in input_dict_to_socket_value
input.default_value[0] = value[0]
TypeError: ‘float’ object does not support item assignment
Just bought this and I was wondering if you have plans on adding an update/re-save preset button so you don’t have to create a new preset in order to re-save.
It seems the best way to resave or update a preset is to restore it and save it as a new preset. (With a different preset name.)
We shall discuss this feature later if we have a better idea.
Also, it seems with node groups it gives an error from missing data blocks. Oh! I am now reading you mentioned is not supported yet but it will. Good to hear.
Yes, I just mentioned that working with node groups will be in the up coming updates.
I am getting this error when recalling a preset which is not a node group.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “C:\Users\Username\AppData\Roaming\Blender Foundation\Blender\2.80\scripts\addons\Node Kit\core.py”, line 607, in execute
dict_to_nodes(nodes_dict[“nodes_list”], node_tree)
File “C:\Users\Username\AppData\Roaming\Blender Foundation\Blender\2.80\scripts\addons\Node Kit\core.py”, line 516, in dict_to_nodes
input_dict_to_socket_value(inputs[index], input_dict)
File “C:\Users\Username\AppData\Roaming\Blender Foundation\Blender\2.80\scripts\addons\Node Kit\core.py”, line 168, in input_dict_to_socket_value
input.default_value[0] = value[0]
TypeError: ‘float’ object does not support item assignment
Thank you for your feedback, do you mind upload your blend file here? You don’t need external Dropbox link, just upload it here. Of cause if you prefer Dropbox, just do it.
I’ve used Dropbox because the system would not allow me to upload the file as it was too big. You can use the file I gave you just add a few reroutes and save the preset. When you recall it it will cause that issue.
Thank you so much it works perfectly now. I was wondering if you could implement this to work for the world shader too? I tried but it doesn’t work. This would be something amazing to have.
Oh man thanks a lot for adding that feature so quickly. Its a pleasure being of help. I now can’t wait to get the groups to work too as my world settings have groups and I forgot it isn’t supported by Node Kit yet.
Thank you mate, node groups will be supported in the upcoming days. I just need to figure out how to organize the code structure while adding this feature and make the code being easily maintained.