Normals on mesh not rotating with armature pose

I have made these 2 spheres which I need the normals (the material normals not the front/backfacing ones) to be rotated with the armature pose. Currently the normals aren’t rotating at all. More detailed description:

What about the True Normal input?

True normal doesnt have anything to do with it. True normal is the same as normal but not shaded smooth.

Welcome :tada:

You should use the Texture Coordinate node Normals and not the Geometry node Normals

The first are in object space of the selected object and the last are in world space… AFAIK…

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One can also use the Vector Transform node, from World to Object. :wink:

I did that originally but it did the same thing. The object is rotated by an armature so the rotations arent stored in the object itself, it is stored in the bone’s pose

The rotation is in the bone pose, not the object.

I wonder if it’s possible at all… Is this sort of data always calculated after the modifiers?

Meanwhile, a stupid workaround: bake the normals to Color Attribute (Vertex Paint) :person_shrugging:


Ohh… well if you have an armature then if it is not an hard surface object then the whole mesh gets… bend… and so the normals would also change… so… [ meanwhile also suggested by @stray ]… you might want to bake your normals to a texture ??

It sounds like what you’re wanting is custom normals that aren’t affected by deformation. I don’t believe this is possible in Blender.

This is a simple solution… the GN modifier should be before the Armature.

Edited: depending on your shading, you might need to change the domain in tthe StoreNamedAttribute from Point to Face or FaceCorner.


Thank you, i will try this when i get home

Question: How exactly do you get the “store named attribute” node?

is right there in the attribute submenu when you go to add a node (or just use the search box for ‘Store’)… in 3.x+ Blenders.

I already checked that but it is just gone fsr

are you on 4.x? that menu looks nothing like mine, in it’s groupings.

I’m on 3.1.2, but I’m about to update it now, that could be the problem.

yeah, try updating… there will probably be a number of other changes then as well for you with GN.

thanks ill try that
Edit: Imma do 4.0 and test that out.

i stuck with the 3.6 series… 4.x will break a few of my addons, so still giving it some time. :slight_smile: