Nostalgia hits hard 3D STUDIO MAX in 1996

If I could turn back time.


I barely qualify as a moderate user these days, but if I could take everything I know now, and somehow transplant it into my 1996 self, I would be THE GOD OF 3D!


Man, it’s such shame blender still doesn’t have live primitives out of box or modifier gizmos…


Hmm… you mean something like:

…does work in blender 3.6

Nevertheless… every out-of-the-box feature has to be maintained… and you may know that the companies which owned the 3D (Studio) Max (MAX) name and changes… did sometimes make a lot more of money in one month than the blender foundation in a whole year ?

…but of course everone is free to choose and pay for the software one likes… or use older versions…

Ha… just found the origianl thread here on BA:

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I know about the that addon, bsmax addon also has live primitives. Heck, now you can even make them yourself with geo nodes:

And pack them as asset:


But you can’t expect new users to download an addon or learn geo nodes just to be able adjust parameters of box after creation.


I never understood this argument…

As a new user to any app i have to look what that app might have and if there is the possibility of addon/plugins/scripts… and i want something not in the vanila version… then i have to look for it…

Like in any other case using any tool, equipment… if you want a car with a conntact less power up function for your mobile devices… then you have to upgrade or buy another car…

There is not much argument, I just watched almost 30 years old promo video where live primitives and modifier gizmos were presented as new feature and thought it was funny.

I’m perfectly okay with waiting another 30 years for them to be eventually included in base blender :grinning:


Ohh yes this means some more years happy blending :smile_cat:

Can you animate any parameter? If so, how fast it is?

I never tried…but would use GN (see above) for that…

Blender can’t do that after 30 years as Format64 said then.

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And he said also that you can do it with GN…
…there are dozen of things one app in a specific area can do and another not… so what\s your point ?


The point is Blender can’t do what Max did 30 years ago out of box. It is a simple fact, and you are just giving us work around or excuses.

Apples and oranges if comparing two different programs. The price of 3dsmax was crazy back then and they had a bunch of developers that worked on this app. Blender was like created by Ton on a boat on his vacation if I remember correctly :slight_smile:

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Technically, anything done with Geometry Nodes is considered possible in Blender out of the box, because it is neither based on scripting nor something that is downloaded or purchased. It does not even have to feel like scripting (to the point of not having to type variables), since that was one of the key points in the fields design. There is a lot of lower-level stuff and advanced math you can do if needed, but many basic operations are easy enough to be beginner-friendly.

By that logic, we have to say that Cycles barely has any shading features whatsoever, because the vast majority of possibilities are based on putting it together with nodes.

Blender was initially developed as an in-house application by the Dutch animation studio NeoGeo, and was officially launched on January 2, 1994.[12] Version 1.00 was released in January 1995,[13] with the primary author being company co-owner and software developer Ton Roosendaal.

3D Studio Max 1.0 was developed by Yost Group which had 4 members.


I don’t know what part of this statement is hard to understand.

Man, it’s such shame blender still doesn’t have live primitives out of box or modifier gizmos…

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…so what?

Back in the days simple geometry was used to make simpler scenes than now. There are artistis now who use scanned data and need 128GB of RAM to be able to work with and would use 256GB if this is more availible on desktop mainboards.

So why should the core team bother about primitives while there are the Extra Objects or the Wonder Mesh addon or even Geometry Nodes ? Are you unable to do your work because of it ? But then you are free to use this other advanced software.

… but looking at you other posts…

Why doesn’t you just stick to 3Dmax… and fight with a Maya user ??

( This was actually no question. )

Good luck.

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I remember when I was about 13-14 years old, I spent three months of an entire summer to learn 3D.

I do realize now, that the software was very easy to use, with powerful features. Such as for example looking at the book:

Even now with Blender, being very advanced and sophisticated, still, making some of these effect would be enough to get you scratching your beard for days… While in this case of 3Ds Max you would just do the tutorial, and it works, and you move onto the next task.

Just making a note here that Discreet were the original creators of Max and they were innovators. So I am talking only from the perspective of what they achieved, not what went later on…

Any particular examples of what would make you scratching your beard?

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