Oblivion Drone

As I’ve promised, some wireframes:


Coolll, big good modeling congrats.

Thanks Addidi.
After a break I’ve started to work in the background and lighting.


More details in the background.


More updates.
I’ve finished the (very simple) shaders for the models in the background and I’ve also added a volumetric light. It looks cool but it is soooo slow.


A not very successful muzzle flash test. I’ll keep trying.


After a lot of tests, new version also with “laser bullets”. I have had a lot of problems with fireflies (because of volume shaders) so I had to clamp the render. I have lost some nice reflections in the white pieces :no:


Almost finished. I’ve added some debris on the groud to make it more appealing.


I think that this render will be the final version.
I’ve added some smoke in the guns and two more lights to give a warmer look on the muzzle flashes.


Wow have to say that is gorgeous!

One of my favorite recent films.
This project is great. Superb modeling!

Thank you very much. I´m still thinking what to do with this model. Maybe I start another project and come back later with new and fresh ideas.