Official Project Purify Topic

Man, this stuff looks good. If you can chuck some shaders on this to make it look like the post pro you did on the teddy it would look pretty sweet (maybe an erosion shader?).

How come you are using sketch-up? I used to prefer sketch-up over blender, until I found the functions I thought blender didn’t have that sketch-up had. If you’re into simplicity then Loq Ariou is the way to go, catch is you’ll need a build of blender that supports verse:

I forgot I had to add melee too, if you’re out of ammo. I thought it wasn’t original to use a knife or bare hands for that, so Forty will use a spatha. A spatha is an iron shortsword used in the roman army. Every zealot has this sword as a sign of loyalty to the leader. Textures now are pretty crap, but they’re fine for now. Beside average melee, the sword will also be used for final blows to level bosses and strong enemies.

BTW, the vacature is still open:


That sword looks awesome!
How did you make that texture?
It’s amazing!

Thanks :smiley:

I made it with a combination of photos of swords and gimp skills.
The texture has still a lot of seams and no unwrap, so it is way not finished yet. This one is a temporary.

I remodeled Forty, because I thought he had too much polys and didn’t look that great. I added some comparisation shots in the attachement. The old model (the one with the sword) had more than 3k faces, the new one less than 0.9k faces. The model looks a lot cleaner and has smoother curves. I rendered the pics with ao, but I’ll bake ao at the texture anyway, so there won’t be much difference.

Turnaround vid:

I’m also working at the sword fight animations. Forty won’t have the standard medival fighting style, but more like the one of yunsung from Soul Calibur 2, so chinese shortsword fighting style. Don’t expect too much of the animations, I have much to learn about this subject.

BTW, still in need of an environmental modeler. Please pm me. :smiley:


I rigged the new forty model. I will post a vid as soon as I finished the sword fight anims.

The real reason of posting is because I finished the low-poly version of the Iron Giant. It has 3k faces right now, but remember it will fill 1/2 of the screen. When I’m finished with the texture, I’ll create some animations.


Our team has a new talent! WWK is going to be our official concept artist. It’s up to him to visualise my weird ideas. As an introduction test, he’s drawn the concept art of the getto boss (he’s in control of the giant). WWK: welcome to the team :smiley:


Nice models! This is looking like a really promising game. What kind of stuff would the environmental modeler do?

Here is a hat I made:


Hat.blend (35.7 KB)

I appreciate your help minifig :D, but this is not the kind of hat I’m gonna use. I’ll be creating my own one and then you’ll understand. My apologies.

BTW, am I allowed to use textures from the database you created for the deadman’s frag project? Some textures could be very useful.

Yes, and yes.
I understand, and my texture database is a shared open resource!
(you can use it in anything, but I would like my username in the credits;))

nice sword :slight_smile:

The environmental modeler should model, texture and bake the lightmaps the buildings, road, trees and other kind of static stuff in the environment. First, I will only need him for the getto level, then we’ll see further.

Anyone interested? :smiley:

I’m from algeria lol… BTW the game’s looking great mate keep it up :wink:

Then you can judge if the getto boss will really look like someone from algeria!
I’ve drawn some quick extra concept art for the boss. Head of the model is almost finished. I only have to add some hair and some cyborg elements (it’s a half-robot, but can’t fight). I’m almost finished texturing the mid-poly robot, so I will create some new animations for the robot and then we can start with the boss scene (EvilTwin, I’ll need you soon :D).

I need you guys for one thing: I want the final blow to be original. Forty will only use melee for the final blow. I was thinking of decapitating or punching the guy in the water, so he gets an electric shock. You guys got a better idea? :confused:

-EDIT- I also did some tests with normal maps in game engine. When the level is finished, I’ll create some normal maps for the characters and buildings.

And does someone know a good tutorial for creating anime hair?


I can’t say that I do, but if you made the hair softbody, then it could bounce around interestingly(and possibly somewhat realistically).

Ali N. will just be the tiny guy inside the robot. You’ll only see him in cutscenes and at the final blow. Other chars can have softbody hair, but it’s not necessary for this one.

BTW, I created a little render, so you can see which mood the boss battle has. I think I’m going to fake the halo spotlights with a transparent white conus.


This sounds very interesting i would like to kjoin as a texture artist i really want to join if a texture artist job is not availible ai can do modelling for the dream level

i love the way forty looks, kinda team fortress two feel, with the smoothness and all.

Thank you! My visual style will be a combination of team fortress 2 and no more heroes.

I finished the loading pic of the getto level and the texture work of the mid-poly level of the giant. I’m now working at the gameplay of the boss battle. Here’re some idea’s for the battle:

  • first you’ll see a cutscene (probably a serie of pics of high-quality renders), where Forty meets the boss. Forty will recieve the first blow and loses all his weapons, exept his sword.
  • The battle will be a chaise, cuz Forty realizes he can’t defeat the giant with just a sword.
  • There are destroyable boxes and other obstacles on the road, who make fleeing for Forty more difficult.
  • When a car drives by, the giant will grab it and throw it to Forty. If Forty’s hit by the car he recieves damage and/or he can’t walk for a second.
  • If the giant reaches Forty, he will crush Forty (I guess no blood, but it will look/hear painfull). You’ll have to start over again.
  • At the end, Forty reaches a buidling pit for a metro (kuch Noord-Zuid lijn kuch). Forty jumps over it with and the giant will fall in the pit. The pit ain’t that deep, so his head is above the ground.
  • Before Forty finishes Ali N. off, the boss will tell Forty something about his real father (no spoilers right now :D).
  • Forty doesn’t believe him and stands ready for the final blow. It’s an in-game animation. The player has to move the mouse in the correct direction to trigger the blow. The screen will turn black and you’ll hear a slash, a scream and someone falling in the pit. Then you’ll see something like “mission complete” (decapitation is technically very difficult and I don’t want this game to be an adult game).

Comments and tips are welcome :confused:

BTW, Nikorar is going to be the new environmental modeler.