at the moment, it looks like a prison cell… if it’s intented to be, maybe size it down to create some claustrophobial look and make some kind of a prison bed, dunno what they’re called.
if it isn’t intended to be a prison cell, add some shards of glass to the floor right to the window, an old lamp laying on the floor, rotten. a small wet area near the window could be cool too and would be logical since the window is broken and open to the environment… a plant on the floor maybe?
It’s intend to be an old abandon house. Glass shards and old lamp at the ceiling is a great idea. Thanks
How about an old rocking chair with an afghan(old crocheted blanket) on it?
Why not? I have to think of a function for it, but great idea!
i think not every item in the room has to have a function, the less important items could have washed their textures out a bit, so that the other ones will kinda jump into your face. the room could somehow tell a story by itself, so for example you could lay the gun of the hero somewhere on the floor and things like that. i’ve always liked little eastereggs like that in games, i think this goes for others as well
Is the door behind you, or do you enter through the window?
Great idea. I already modeled the gun, so that should be a piece of cake.
It’s actually the main menu scene, so you don’t have to enter or leave. The window sybolises the road to the natural world (I’ll add a beautiful tree and bright sun behind it). The bright and happy outdoor world should make the room more dark and sober.
A door for an exit button may be a little overused anyway…
The objects need to be close to eachother anyway, because the camera zooms at the object that belongs to the current button. I don’t wanna have gamers getting motionsick only because of the main menu XD
I have an open vacancy over here! I need a concept artist. You don’t to do a lot of drawings, but I need one for the bosses. I want to give them all a totaly different personality, but it’s difficult without reference. So, is anywone willing to help me
you could have ask me im happy to do it you help me out alot and drawing is my skill
Great I think it’s a good moment for you first job then: the getto cult leader. It’s a hip-hop loving fellow, born in North Africa (Morocco, Algeria, you name it ;)). I’ll post some pics, so you get a basic idea:
He wears this kind of jacket:
Wears his cap like this mcdonalds lover:
This kind of pants:
And such sneakers:
And a face like this guy:
Don’t know if I’m asking too much, but could you draw this character for me, please?
hmmm the face may be a little hard but the rest will be simple.
I decided to do the low-poly buildings in google sketchup. It’s way faster and more accurate. Here’s the building Forty has to enter at the end of the first part of the Getto level. Right hole in the right is for the player to see Forty. A lot of arcxhitects put their masterpieces in the wrong neighbourhood, so that’s why the building looks somewhat different from the ordinairy house. Made this in five minutes
Not really, I just wanted to state some peoples first impressions at seeing a different 3d modeling program on the blender forums.
Hey, heh. I feel a bit guilty now. I’ll use google sketchup for modeling the raw building, so I can get a basic idea. Textures and details will be added in blender. Lets say it’s a coorperation between two 3D-programms.
Heh, it’s fine to use it.
I was just kidding.
There hasn’t been an updat for a while, but that doesn’t mean I haven’t done anything. The boss of the Getto will have a giant robot. You have to defeat the robot to defeat the boss. The first part will be a “run-for-your-life-part”. Badman already created some epic music for it, but it’s not finished yet.
Thread of the robot can be found here
(Notice the robot at the picture is a mid-poly model)
That is awesome!
It’s recruiting time (again :rolleyes:)! This time I’m in need of an environmental modeler. He/she has to create most of the buildings used in the getto area. You have to master this to be good enough:
- modeling a building
- use seamless textures to texture the building
- bake shadows
I will still accept you if you don’t master these skils yet, if you promise me you will try to learn them.
You’re interested? Post a reply or send me a pm.