Official Project Purify Topic

nice water! Is it an animated normal map?

I think so. I didn’t made the ocean shader myself. Send your kudos to journeyman17, because he created it. Here’s the topic:

I was rather busy last week (important exams, nice weather since ages), but now I’m gonna focus a bit more at the project. I’m busy creating some pedestrians and some pedestrial animations, so the city won’t look like a ghost town. I will post a vid and some pics soon. There is only one problem: animated characters eat fps like it’s a sweet cookie! To solve this problem, I’m thinking about using the level techniques of resident evil 4: a lot of small areas in separate scenes, so you can add lots of detail while keeping the framerate high enough.

I’ve chosen for the jazz-jackrabbit shooting style. Its already possible to shoot balls to objects, but can anyone help me with shooting animations, weapon selection and all the script/python stuff? I have 0.0 experience with it and this part is essential for the gameplay. When I ruin this, the game will be less fun and tha’s something I don’t want to let me happen. :no:

Okay guys, here’s some more stuff.

Demo vid of a part of the pedesrtian animations can be found here.

I also started to create the first real level. It’s in one of the getto’s of Amsterdam (yes, they exist, but we call them “prachtwijken” in the Netherlans). I already created a garage and the base of a house.

Pleas post your replies, cuz I don’t wanna be the only person who posts on this topic. It feels quite sad :frowning:


i don’t know that much about python, but i can try to help you with yoour scripts.
about that picture, i think it’s to “artificial”. theres not much in it and what’s in isn’t very detailed (what about some grafitti, cracks in the road/wall) - try to build some irregularities in. that’s what i’d suggest

Eveltwin: I’ll send you a private message.
About the house: good idea to use some graffiti and other kinds of vandalism. I won’t use too much “beautifull graffiti”, but a lot of quick tags (you’ll find them everywhere in my hometown). If anyone thinks the text is too offensive, I’ll change it inmediately (although I only think nazi’s will be offensed by this text). The graffity is not in the texture itself, but on a separte plane, so I can make every house look totally different. I’m planning to add some broken glass and some cracks in the wall and then the first house is finished for now :D! BTW, the house has less then 20 faces, so I can place a lot of them.

I also created a sign for a coffeshop with gimp. It’s based on a very famous caricature about the representation of the dutchmen in other countries. Hope you’ll like it. :eyebrowlift2:


It looks strange that the tag goes over the window too, you might want to make it just on the bricks -and as far as I’ve seen most tags are much smaller. When people do tag big, they generally go the whole way and use a flashy color, like bright red.
lookin’ pretty good so far though : )

nice i have seen some graffiti over the windows though most of the time the windows were broken so only part of the letters could be and i love the message of the graffiti.

yep, i agree… the graffiti message is good, you won’t have nazis playing your game :slight_smile:

the grafitti also breaks up the tidied up feeling of the wall, as well as the windows do

Thanks for all the replies! I’m now working at creating some big graffiti textures from foto’s I found at I’m not very much experienced with gimp, but respect for the proffesional texturers who have to do this all day, cuz I hate the job. BTW, I created a low-poly car. I call it “Panda”, cuz it’s based at the fiat panda. Need to create a texture for it yet.

That’s it for today folks! Stay cool :cool:


EvilTwin is now officially part of the Project Purify Team! If I was a Christian, I would have thanked God over a thousand times for sending me a scripting angel from heaven. EvilTwin: Welcome to the Family! :smiley:

I’ve barely seen a single computer the last two weeks, but that doesn’t mean I haven’t done a little brainstorming. Here’re some of my new ideas:

  • The story will be told by an old and ruined teddybear. May sound weird, but the setting will be as dark as the old damaged bear setting somewhere else on the blenderartists forum.
  • There won’t be normal conversations. All the conversations are like a big poem.
  • No voice-overs. The background music will be composed in such a way, that it looks like the music speaks for you.
  • The enemies in the getto level will be hip-hop loving migga’s (no, not nigga’s, that’s something totally different).
  • One of the levels will be in a church.
  • Once the Getto level is finished completely, I will start a level design contest.

We also made some other process:

  • EvilTwin made a nice box-shatter-script.
  • I created a nice-textured box.
  • I started moddeling the teddybear.

No pics right now, but they will come soon.

Your game seems really out there and kinda trippy i cant wait to see how it comes out.

Moddeled the teddy bear. The first pictury is a pure render, the second one is edited with gimp. The teddy will only appear in cutscenes and maybe in the main menu. The model contains 800 faces. I also wrote a part of the poem for the intro. You’ll see it when I finished the intro movie :stuck_out_tongue:


I started creating the room for the bear. Herés a little render, so you’ll see which mood the scene has.


I modeled an old television and placed it in the room. Every object in the room will have a functie: the teddybear will let you start the game, the telly will allows you to watch the credits and the room is for quitting. I’ve also added a picture of the room ingame. Remember this is without baked shadows and glow effects, so it looks crappy right now.

I’ll add little paintings for level selection, but I don’t know what too add next. Comments and ideas are welcome. :eyebrowlift:


although a rabbit-ear antenna would look interesting…

I’ve made one, but you can’t see it because of the angle of the camera.

Does anyone has some ideas to fill the room?

I loved that game!
fades out into nostalgia…