Oicho, animated Dragon (Alexander Volkov's magic land series)

Last year I tried to do some facial motion capture. My very first beginning with motion capture.

I created a basic armature (FreeCad) for the facial mocap. Many parts are 3D printed, with aluminium bars and straps. The cam is a webcam. My friend C, she helped me with the straps.

The mocap-thing fits stable on the head. The webcam was also noisy. Control points got jumpy, Oichos face moved like he walked onto power supply line. Since, project slept.

If you have some experiences with motion capture, it would be kind, if you share them.

Is live motion capture possible with Linux / Open Source?


Here is the hint to face osc. Some blender guys used it with osc addons in blender.
Good luck man

Hi @skuax,

thank you for your suggestion.
Does ofxFaceTracker work on Ubuntu/Linux, too?

I didn t try to run it via wine…
There is others option with open cv but more complicated.

I tried to get ofxFaceTracker working. Overwhelmed with OpenFrameworks details. Mh … it might absorb lifetime and efforts. I like not to split time and get distracted too much from other goals to get it working.