Old Interior design

Hello I would like to introduce you to my new interior project.
A slightly older but still nice and cosy room.
I got the idea from different examples from the internet.

It was created completely in Blender 3.4.1 and cycles render.
I hope you like it and I am happy about any feedback :slight_smile:


This looks amazing did you model everything yourself. I am asking because I am looking for advice on making archviz renders. I am not sure if I should model everything or not.

Thank you! I didn’t model everything myself. I already had good 3D models of some elements. Others I have rebuilt or even modelled myself :slight_smile:
But it would cost a lot of time for the client if you had to model everything yourself.

Okay I see it does make sense to use free models or ones you have already made. Thanks

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Hi again! Just wondering, how was the lighting scheme in this scene?

p.s. I normally use just plain color in a background world node and slightly warm sun. Or for example sky texture + area lights placed in windows to strengthen light filling from outside.

I featured you on BlenderNation, have a great weekend!

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Thank you :slight_smile:

Main exposure is an environment texture with a few special node settings.
Additionally I added area lamps and adjusted them all :slight_smile:

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yeah, It saves a lot of time :wink:

Nice work, just a bit to blueish for my taste. Maybe adding depth of field can help to add more sense of depth.

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an excellent render and… this wooden table is soooooo good, any tips on how You created that one?

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It is a special table that is made in our company, which I then visualized in 3d

thanks for the feedback :slight_smile: