How to vote
- Pick up to three of your favorite images
- Results will be made visible after you have cast your vote.
- To change your vote, click ‘Show vote’, update your choice and click ‘Vote now!’
- Voting ends on midnight, January 2nd (Amsterdam).
- 1 - Parisian Apartment by sinisa_babic
- 2 - Small bedroom interior near Stockholm by Odilkhan Yakubov - Corona & LuxCore Renderer Addon Developer
- 3 - Interior Visualization (NHQ STUDIO) by Nana Beniako
- 4 - Golden Ratio House Interiors by Dimitar
- 5 - The Shed: Poly Haven Community project by JamesRay
- 6 - Strange Magic In Odd Places - A Finalized Image by Professor Emeritus Billy H. Wafflesmith XIV Esq.
- 7 - Japandi Interior inspired by photos by 3Dshaker
- 8 - Grandpa’s Kitchen by Stefan Vogt
- 9 - Isometric Russian Kitchen by Rose Hoang
- 10 - Library by Aleksandr(ailex)
- 11 - Bathroom by Stefan Vogt
- 12 - An Industrial Loft by Oliver Roberts
- 13 - Post apocalyptic Market by Jose Miguel Gordaliza
- 14 - Space Oddity - 3D Illustration by Renato Stegun
- 15 - Tiny Cyberpunk diner! by Brice Eljeji
- 16 - Greek pool by Eirik Djuvsland
- 17 - The Wonky Room by MisterLee
- 18 - Study of artificial lighting to give a natural look by FN Studio design 3d
- 19 - Old Interior design by Leon Vandeven
- 20 - Christmas Eve in old Polish hut by Kamila Stankiewicz
- 21 - Bath time by Svetlana Tretyakova
- 22 - Day Cycle of a Net Runner by Tomas Lima
- 23 - Autumn Scene Inspired By Engel Architecten House by 3Dshaker
- 24 - Retro kitchen, 1950s feel by Kim
- 25 - Dont open, dead inside by Yao Chan
- 26 - Vibrant Studio by mehdy3Dee
- 27 - The Search by Benedetta Vitali
- 28 - A rainy day by Khánh Nguyễn
- 29 - Tiny Kitchen by Mia Boas
- 30 - M30 Residence by Filippo Zorgno
Congratulations to @sinisa_babic, @odil24, @Roggii, @dimitarsp, @JamesRay, @Renzatic, @3Dshaker, @nautilux, @asoramii, @ailex, @nautilux, @ArchVisions, @jmgordaliza, @renatostegun, @brice.eljeji, @Eirik_png, @MisterLee, @Filipe_Nascimento, @daylightwhat, @Kamillu, @LanaManana, @Tomas_Lima, @3Dshaker, @oo_1942, @magicwand, @Mehdy3dee, @Random_User, @Khanh_Nguy_n, @miaboas, @Filippo_Zorgno for being nominated!