The Search

This scene tells of a father searching for his daughter, who was left for dead a year after her disappearance. This obsessive and exhausting search leads him to damage his affections and his life, but it is the only reason to live that remains after the serious loss.


At first glance of this render, I unexpectedly said ‘WOW’ to myself. It’s an incredibly cool job! Simply amazing :star_struck:


Thank youso much! I really appreciate it! ^^


(Also…) at first glance i thought: what a suitable title for the usual desktop in front of a computer… and then this twist in the experience ot looking at this artwork… after reading the background story…

There is this saying: art wants to make you think about something… then you did the job perfectly.


This scene tells of a father searching for his daughter, who was left for dead a year after her disappearance. This obsessive and exhausting search leads him to damage his affections and his life, but it is the only reason to live that remains after the serious loss. Let me know what you think about it. Idk why but this site won’t upload other renders


This is amazing, love the lighting and texturing.
Would be cool to see the whole scene in one render.

By only bit of feedback is that the dust particles are too big and distracting.

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Thank you so much! I really appreciate what you’re saying…I put all my heart in the story telling and in the details. I’m happy that you enjoy it!

Thank you for your feedback!

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Amazing attention to detail. Each image has great color grading to add that feeling of suspense. The story you’ve added alongside the image does a really great job of putting the viewer in the right mindset. Good work!

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Incredible, excellent job.

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Thank you!

Thank you so much!

I featured you on BlenderNation, have a great weekend!

You’re on the #featured row! :+1:


Complimenti @Random_User !!! U deserve It! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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masterpiece… really love the story and quality of the details in the render.

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Nice Piece of work! :slight_smile: But if I had to criticize one thing, it would be the missing bulb in the desk lamp. Even so the lamp isn’t on, the angle of view would unhide the white bulb in there.


Excellent work!! Really top-notch stuff here. I love the images, great work on color and lighting, then I find out this is about a missing daughter, well that really just pushes this over the top!

My only critique would be about the ash tray & cigarettes. Cigarettes ‘crinkle’ when someone shoves them down into an ash tray and there needs to be ashes in the ash tray.

Outstanding job!


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Thank you so much Loris! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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Thank you!

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